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QUESTION Artist Erik Ravelo puts children on The Cross for controversial project

These are making their way around social media again in light of the things going on in the news. They are still relevant 4 years after their original release.

Crimson67 8 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Love the intensity of this art.

Gert Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

F*** me, this twat is one sick puppy

@Crimson67 OK, I thought he was just promoting something gross not trying to open up a needed bit of discourse.

People seem to have gotten more upset over the photos than over the actual realities themselves.

I thought it was evident that his artist, like many artists, are very socially involved putting themes to the attention of a bigger public. Not to earn money, but to make a statement. Sometimes a picture paints more than a thousand works can tell. At least more words than, for instance, an article in the New York Times. Apparently not everybody seems to see it that way and a little conversation is needed to clear things up 😉. The comment of Eric Ravelo is clear enough I guess.

You might like to see his Facebook page: []
To me it was worth visiting

@Gert I will admit I was a bit hasty in my condemnation of this guy (see earlier comment) but having followed your link he does have a very 'unique' way of making a visual impression.

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