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Does anyone on this site have a specific expertise at your Hobby. If you do what is it if you feel comfortable telling others.

Chefedone 6 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm currently, or have been, a writer, artist, singer, musician (piano, keyboard, skin drums, electric base), raising my own food, designing and sewing my own clothers, speed reader, inventor, horse trainer, exotic bird breeder, dog breeder, wave boarder, bicyclist, advanced ballroom/jitterbug dancer, motorbike rider, bareback/bridleless horseback rider/driver/jumper, traveler, bird/wildlife photographer, so have those skills. I also speak/write/read several languages as well.

Many of them I've been paid to do, or used in my work, such teaching.
Photo is of me dancing on the beach with my ex, wearing a ballroom gown I designed and made.


I can turn a tree into a bow, then turn skinny little baby trees into arrows for that bow.


My hobby became my career. Now I don't have any time for hobbies.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

And that is a good thing. You are getting paid to do something you love to do.


I crochet sweaters, socks, hats, scarves and afghans. I've been doing it for over 35 years.


Women used to be my hobby, I was a Hunter. I know other men Fish. So their approach is set up a bait. It was my sport. Past Sentence.


Trying my hand at writing, seeing if I can get this one published...
And my art, ...


I live in an older neighborhood with lots of trees and flower gardens. I spend as much time as I can outside. My summertime hobby is raising monarch butterflies, which are a threatened species. I also raise swallowtail butterflies. Within the next couple of weeks, I plan to start a group for people who are interested in pollinators, especially butterflies.

@Donotbelieve yes, Monarchs must have milkweed to lay eggs on. Other types of butterflies need their own specific type of host plant. Black swallowtail's, for example, lay eggs on various herbs. There are lots of websites from which you can get milkweed seeds. Here is one:

I see fewer and fewer butterflies every year.I have caterpillars of the Orchard butterflies on my citrus, I leave them despite the damage they do. The one we are trying so save is the Richmond Birdwing, so we propagate and distribute the "Richmond Birdwing Vine" .

@Rugglesby I just read an article about them. They are very beautiful, and it looks like they are in even more danger than the monarchs. Do you participate in raising them from eggs or larva and then releasing them?

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