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To shave or not to shave?

I am basically lazy, so trimming a beard every now and then is better than daily shaving. Don't really want to shave it, but it is annoying me. Not soft like years ago when I had it very long. So you long bearded guys, any suggestions? Should it stay or should it go?

Rugglesby 8 Feb 25

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Keep it. No shave, no trim, only wax and oil. Stay fuzzy, my friend.


well, it got to me too much,
so all the long and bushy is gone,
so son had to get in on the act as well,
so 2 reduced beards.


I was born with very little to shave. Lucky me.

win, some of my ladies are similar, either genetically or because of medication. I no complain.

@Rugglesby Is that taino genes, little mustache, little in the chin... that's about it. At 64 I still carry baby fuzz.


I have beard and mo due to being lazy. 23 years ago I shaved my scrotum as requested for vasectomy. I liked it so now I run the razor over once a month and for randoms on my cheeks

ha ha the the phrase "too much information" hold any significance?

@Rugglesby information is knowledge and sharing is caring

@Babyseal yep, that is what the guys here say when I say that to them.

There’s nothing like a shaved scrotum, love em smooth!


I hate to shave, but I cannot stand to have a beard. I am down to once a week, perhaps if I could get out of this funk, I would shave more often.


Personal choice mate


I love hairy women if that helps !

yes me too in some places

I like long haired women.


Starting a week or so after the start of spring, I shave my cheeks and keep a goatee. On Halloween, I stop shaving until spring. Works for me. Right about now, it's large and impressive. ????

I had a similar pattern since 16, Easter would grow a beard, 1st September (our Spring) would shave it off, then when my son was born, kept it until it went white and took it off until 3 years ago. 4 months ago stopped trimming it, now tis annoying.


I have a beard for the same reason but I don't really have a preference. It's been long enough now that if I shaved it I might change my mind.


Keep the beard! Nothing says verile, healthy and committed like a beard. If it weren't for my native American heritage I'd rock a full beard, but unfortunately for me my full beard is more like the Joe Dirt, than the Gandalf.


Keep it as long as you can! Nature has a way of taking it all away without any intervention from us. I think it migrates to our ears from my own experience!!

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