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Do human beings have the same 'worth' or are some groups expendable?

atheist 8 Nov 5

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History has shown that whoever has the power and wealth determines the worth. Executing people for their ethnic and religious origins, war to conquer land and resources, slaves, and medical experiments on groups of people without consent to name a few examples. Humanity has not had equal worth in documented history if ever.

Betty Level 8 Nov 9, 2017

With the advent of artificial intelligence taking over many jobs I'd say yes human beings are expendable unless they learn some other skill or do some thing that machines can't do to enhance their worth.

SamL Level 7 Nov 5, 2017

I agree with Wordywalt that all humans have the same innate worth. Our actions then determine our worth. I was surprised to learn two things recently, firstly, global population has now reached 7 billion, and the average weighted price of a life is around $2,500 as 2/3 of the world lives in poverty and on $1 a day so their net present value is very low. For medical and insurance purposes the value of our lives in America is about $50,000 which is the figure the government uses to assess medical care. Overall if you have insurance and have worked for 40 years in a reasonable job then your discounted 'value' is somewhere around $1 million.


We observe that some groups -- criminals, for example, are, in fact, "expended." But that group includes Cervantes, Thoreau, and O. Henry. Best policy is to assume everyone has, at the least, the same "potential worth."


completely the same to me although women are better for the community's well being. with sperm banks our days may be numbered !!!


All human beings have the same innate worth. But, some negate their own worth by hurting, taking advantage of, or disparaging others.


same worth - Yes
expendable - evolution will decide

mzee Level 7 Nov 5, 2017

It all depends as to what you assign value to. Depending on that variable, you can make arguments either way, but people who assign value differently will disagree.


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