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Other Atheist healthcare worker's?

Hey, just was wondering if there were any other nurses, doctors or other healthcare workers that are also atheist?

Loveofhitch 3 Feb 25

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Yeah me. Don't see any evidence of a supreme anything in my line of work


Yes, I am a recent retired Hospital Pharmacist


Yes, I am a Nurse Practitioner.


I'm a clinical social worker.


I was a pharmacy tech for a handful of years, and also worked in the MRI world and medical billing.


There's a healthcare group for people who work in that field and such. You can find it under groups.


It's a relief to see this! I am always having to walk on eggshells because most healthcare employees speak of god and religion alot, and I do my best to stay neutral but after you and your team save a life and everyone's like thank god and guardian angels this and like wtf! Where was god ten minutes he or she having a tug of war with a human or did WE just save a life lol

It's more of a reflex for religious people, to cover their Deity bases. If you gave all credit to "god" for a great meal a religious woman cooked for you, I'm betting she wouldn't be amused.


I work at hospital as a Unit Secretary on a Cardiac step down unit. Progressive Care.


Not me but I know there are a share here.


Yes sir! I am a WEMT. I used that knowledge as a professional ski patroler and I continue to apply those skills in my daily life for the betterment of others. Thank you for your service to humanity.

Thats awesome thank you as well!

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