I have never heard of such an oil. I had already tried cbd oil and liked it, however, I was quite uncomfortable using the oil on the road and so I started using cbd gummies. Rejuvenate with holistic products from Blessed cbd and you will understand that this is a great solution. These CBD gummies are suitable for everyone because they are free of gluten, sugar and animal fats.
I completely agree with you - it's important to have evidence-based information about medical marijuana and CBD, and to cut through the hype and misinformation that's out there. And I love that the infographic is interactive too!
If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of cannabis and CBD, I'd recommend checking out mindbodygreen.com. They have a ton of great articles and resources on everything from pain management to anxiety relief. Happy reading!
My friend advised me on it to cure my bad sleep. It all began when my brother passed away, so I had no idea what to do. It took 2 years to recover. Having taken CBD for more than 3 months, I’ve noticed my sleep improvement. I used to sleep about 4 hours a day. Now I tend to sleep 8 hours a night which is perfect for me. Anyway, you should consider visiting your doctor brantford dispensary before taking CBD products . Best wishes, folks. Take care.
Cannabis oil has many uses; it is applied to the skin to prevent drying, cracking, and damage to the skin. Snake cannabis oil consists of 75-80% monounsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acids found in cannabis oil are essential. The human body needs them but does not know how to produce them independently, so we need to get them from outside. Essential fatty acids are necessary for proper cell development, hormone production, cholesterol balance, skin care, etc. So I have been trying to use snake cannabis oil lately; there is even a special dispensary in Brampton where I purchase this.
why is there a question mark after harmful. A question mark is not science, it is propaganda. God?
@Lukian non sequitur?
@CallMeDave if you follow the link there is no descriptors but rather a scale from 0 to 5.0 with 3.5 being the cut-off point of worthiness. There is also a link to the data used to make the Infographic (made to explain data to a layperson)
Once you have reviewed the data, I encourage you to find other references to refute the (said propaganda) claims. I'll be waiting. Thanks!
@Lukian Go on ahead with whatever you were doing before you started waiting. Thanks.
All i want it for is to get me to a higher plane . I can cure my ills myself.
Anyone remember when aloe vera cured everything?
good point!
Yes! It seems that some are always searching for a miracle.
@AmyTheBruce Don't know if it is a miracle but i drink 6 oz. of aloe vera juice daily. It is good for your innerds.
@DenoPenno I'm glad it works for you - I'm told that it's tasty!
I am one of those rare people who has a bad reaction to it. It burns my skin, leaving rash and welts. I can scarcely imagine what drinking it might do to me!
The aloe craze drove me nuts because, for a while, it seemed to be in EVERYTHING! But that's how people are - if something like aloe (or cannabis) shows even slight benefit for some... suddenly it's a cure-all.
@AmyTheBruce I use the juice only and mix 6 oz. of it with 6 oz. of cranberry/grape drink. Aloe alone is not very tasty and you have to disquise it. I have no proof of this but I think it helps me with stomach and indigestion issues and I read it may change actions of certain meds. BTW, I have only used it now for about 6 months.
Interesting. I have recently started using CBD oil and have found it is helpful for pain, anxiety and insomnia. I have seen no effect at all on my tinnitus. I wonder how much of it is actually placebo effect.
I used to sell CBD oil and I had positive feedback from many customers on it's efficacy. I never once declared that it was a cure for anything. I did however advise that it could help manage certain conditions. Our body does contain an endocannabinoid system that regulates the body's homeostasis. Since CBD and marijuana (also found in other plant sources) contain cannabinoids, it would make sense that they have an effect on that system. CBD helps restore balance to the body, thus alleviating the symptoms of an unbalanced system. Also, the cannabinoids are more effective with the presence of THC.
I am a current CBD Oil user and I can honestly say that I feel different, in a good way. I find I am more relaxed. I sleep much better, that in itself, is amazing if you knew my past sleep habits...I did have a knee injury a while back which resulted in swelling or inflammation. Difficulty in walking etc. Surgery seemed to be my only option in the opinion of one Dr. Another Dr. suggested specific exercise and 750-1500 mg CBD Oil 3 times a day to help with the pain. What can I say cheaper than surgery, right? After about 2-3 weeks the exercise appears to have helped keep me from going under the knife and the CBD helped with the pain and inflammation and still is...now I'm hooked (pun intended).
@Maximai Your story is similar to others that I have heard. I am so glad you were able to use the non surgery option. Plants are pretty amazing. ?
If one of my friends that was dying or sick from something and that friend said that THC and/or CBD made friend feel better, I wouldn’t care what any study states, I’m getting that for my friend.
I do not disagree. Saying it cures is another matter and this is what (so-called) advocates get wrong all the time i.e. it relieves my pain from my cancer... OK... it can cure cancer... Nope!
@Lukian I've never seen or met anyone that claims it cures anything. It absolutely does help manage and alleviate certain symptoms.
@SkepticPower31 I've met and stumbled upon several (including on this site)
@Lukian that's unfortunate
@SkepticPower31 thanks but what's really unfortunate is when the mention of the word cure convinces a vulnerable sufferer.
Very interesting but it determine whether or not the CBD oil was from any particular strain or a number of different ones.
This matters because not all strains have the exact same result. Some are totally useless and some now have been genetically modified to target certain illnesses or conditions.
Such as seizures, cancers and severe mental conditions.
The research is still ongoing and in some cases what works for a hundred patients might not work for one and vice versa.
So while this article is actually necessary in pointing out that CBD is not a cure all but at the same time I feel that it also might’ve been either in or unintentionally giving the impression that CBD treatments are for the most part a placebo or a snake oil remedy. ?
the only condition were Cannabis is worth it according to research is very few. MS being a surprising one
@Lukian That’s interesting because in the 1974 report of the four year study that Nixon requested the university of Virginia to do in order to prove that marijuana caused cancer.
It actually came back then with results that not only did it not cause it actually attacked certain forms but at different levels.
We since then have learned about CBD’s and how different strains have different properties but hey like I said it’s still being researched and is in no way a cure at least not on its own.
@Lukian My sister has MS and has made some great improvements once she started smoking weed. I have Lyme and some days it feels like it helps some of the symptoms and others I feel like it might be making it worse. I feel like shit no matter what, so I might as well be high..
Awesome graphic. Although I have zero problem with MJ use for recreational or medicinal purposes and am fully in support of decriminalization, I do find it funny when some self diagnose themselves in order to justify usage. I could care less if you just want to get high haha, I use myself at times, just be honest and say so. There's no reason to feel guilty about. Stereotypes perpetrated about MJ users are bullshit anyways.
A friend of mine has suffered several minor strokes over the past few years and recently had a fainting spell that left him with lacerations to his face and two broken ribs. He has two vials of medical marijuana that would help him rest and recover but he doesn't know how they might react with all the medications he is taking already. My friend asked his doctor on how he should proceed and the doctor said he had no idea, so my friend continues to sufffer and his healing is delayed. Cannabis still carries a huge stigma due to the propaganda about it over the past 80 years.
It does and it shouldn't. I fully believe we're just beginning to understand its medicinal purposes which it undoubtedly has.
I think your friend is being prudent. I doubt there is much research on drug interactions with marijuana.
@bingst He is being ;prudent but he is also not recovering because he cannot sleep, he may just prudent himself to death.