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Religious Upbringing

I'm curious as to how many members of this site were raised in a religious vs nonreligious household. I was raised Traditionalist Catholic (SSPX in case anyone's familiar), and it certainly played a potent role in my formation as an Agnostic Deist. Were any of you raised in a religion, and, if so, did it impact your current conclusion on the subject?

TobleroneSpice 2 Feb 24

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not i. i was raised in a secular jewish family. we had a strong cultural identity and virtually no religion, apart from holiday celebration.



Yes I was raised in a very religious household, fundamentalist in fact.

I do not know how my experience influenced me differently from others, I think there are way too many variables in play. My particular beliefs set up particular expectations that were violated in particular ways, but I think my personality, social status, parenting and education -- plus my particular life experiences -- had as much to do with it as religion.


Going to church taught me that as long as you give enough money anything is acceptable. Deciding that there was no reason to believe in a higher power or good just took education and real life experience.

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