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How strict were your parents?

My dad was completely lax. My mom was the General in the house. lol.

She was relatively strict with me... but by the time my younger brothers were born, she got worn down and much less stringent.

How about your parents? Were they strict? Or, were they relaxed? Something in-between?

silvereyes 8 Feb 27

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Too selfish to give a damn about what i did. But when I got in trouble, since they felt it looked bad on them, there was strict punishment


My parents were beyond strict, they were mental and my father was cruel.
Punishment was not reserved for when you had done something wrong,
perhaps it was a cloudy day, he lost his money on a horse or whatever,
or what the hell, he got off on it.
My mother would feed it to draw his attention, like give him an excuse to punish us.

@silvereyes bloody hell that is even worse. The older of my two young brothers "Druggles" would do all he coud to get me beaten, most common one was if were were out in teh car, he would bite himself, yell and scream saying I did it, the fact the bite marks would have been the wrong way around, we were on opposite sides of the car with the youngest in between, was no way I would reach him. The old man would pull over, beat the crap out of me and "Druggles" would smirk as we drove off. Druggles must be 57 this year, and has not changed.

Looks like more than a few of us had seriously sub-optimal parents.

@ElizabethI hmmmm, had that conversation today by phone with my mother, she was still perfect of course, but 21 years almost after his death she is finally admitting the old man was less then perfect.


Mine were pretty cool for the most part, they got the odd corn cob but as I found out that's in the job description 🙂


everything was cool up to a point, but there were lines you just did not cross.


I had strict parents, though my mother was the militant disciplinarian. My father was more fair, generally. Conservative Catholic values were strictly adhered to, so that played a significant role as well.


I was raised by marshmallows somewhere in between Ghost Busters and Smores. I usually got away with everything, but only at home; consequences teach responsibility.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 27, 2018
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