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those that profit from the misery of the poor are despicable, greedy bastards.
a friend of mine had a small building which he kept in good condition & kept the rents on the low side. but over a period of a few years he was having to evict more of his tenants despite the low rents. he just gave up & sold.
what's making it more difficult for people in trailer parks are corporations which buy them, clean them up a little & then increase the rents drastically. greedy landlords are the main reason poor people can never get ahead.

The entire economic system is built on the backs and the misery of the poor. Most of us would not eat if migrant laborers didn't work for farms in horrifying conditions and for little to no pay. Working people do everything from stocking your groceries to educating/ watching your children and so much more. Most of us cannot afford the basic neccesities of life and continue to have our lives eaten up by 70 hour work weeks so that the wealthy can live easy lives and have healthy returns on their investments. It isn't just greedy landlords, almost anyone who lives comfortably in this country does so at the expense of countless low paid workers. Then we get to see ourselves painted as feckless "takers" who are lazy and stupid in popular media and opinion.

@OpposingOpposum ,
the higher income people should do something to address this ridiculous wealth/income disparity. if they don't they'll live to regret it.
they could end up like the professional/high income people in argentina who were ground down to a lower middle income level.

@Bobby9 , have you ever heard the term "rich as an argentinian"--probably not.
your response reveals your ignorance.


As long as there a profit to be made off of anything, it will continue to exist.


Couldn't be more true.


Which is ashame>


Interesting article. No thought on how to break the cycle though.

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