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Do you believe in any superstitions?

I don't. I think jinxing and stone rubbing is nonsense. The same goes for astrology. My birth month is Aquarius, but I don't care. I think talking with mediums is a waste of money too. Do you believe in any of these?

Sarahroo29 8 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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No I don't



Surprisingly (as a former hockey player) no....I never had good games on a consistent basis to remember what I might have done for luck beforehand...



If someone tells me there is evidence that it works, then I will look in to it. Until then, No.



People often tell this joke about Einstein but I first heard it from Issac Asimov.

A young man has an appointment with Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. The great man is not in when he first enters his office but he notices a horseshoe behind the desk, hung up in the appropriate manor so all the luck will not fall out. When Gauss arrives the young man asks what it is doing there and is he superstitious? " Of course not " Gauss replies " but I am reliably informed be people who know of such things. That it works whether you believe in it or not ".

Many years ago I used to busk for a living. Amongst other things it would entail trimming my nails so as to play guitar. Then I heard a superstition that said it was bad luck to cut your nails on a Friday. Every time I did this I made a lot less money, so I would trim my nails on another day instead. Yes I do know this was probably psychosomatic but made more money so...

Oh, okay.

hypnosis and the power of suggestion I think that, like the placebo effect would work.


Not fond of black cats and creepy clowns

EvaV Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

I like all cats.


Don't walk under ladders or don't break mirrors as you will have 7 years bad luck. There are some common sense reasons that this one hold some truth, more related to the consequences of the action than luck in general. Concussions can have longterm consequences and mirrors are generally made of simple plate glass that shatters to millions of tiny splinters that scatter everywhere.



I just posted this about ten minutes ago: "I don't believe in any superstitious nonsense, but..."

Great minds think alike! 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Feb 27, 2018
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