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Do any specific noises cause you anxiety or fright (without reason)? **READ THE FULL QUESTION**

edit- Great answers! Many have the obvious reason of being a startling noise or a noise that irritates. I'm wondering about sounds that creep you out without explaination.We know music can make us feel. What is interesting to me is that certain sounds can cause discomforts like fright or anxiety without having a known reason (such as PTSD or other negative memory). Children often deal with this. The sound of a train horn, or a noise in the wind. What sound naturally makes you uncomfortable?

EhMularz 5 Feb 28

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Donald Trump giving a speech.

Except perhaps not without reason.


Silence. I am a sailor. The ship has numerous systems operating all the time. Fan noise, engine noise, people moving about, etc. When the noise stops, it usually means trouble. Even ashore in the quiet of night, I wake up and immediately I am aware of the silence.


Love all of the comments here relating to mouth sounds like chewing, slurping, etc. These are at the top of my list. Not frightening or anxiety producing, but pretty darn close. I leave the room. 🙂


Whistling, esp without purpose. I can handle ship whistles, train whistles, etc. But if you give my child or grandchild a whistle, I will go full-on Liam Neeson on you. Or if you just aimlessly whistle a tune, it absolutely sets my teeth on edge. I blame the Andy Griffith Show.


The sound of a 3ft long flying cockroach?


A smoke detector chirping. It pierces through my brain like a bullet and falls right in line with my fear of setting the alarm off.


Screeching brakes or a collision.


The sound of the cell door slamming behind me after a decent night out.


Pretty much anything to do with religion.


Having to "pop" open a refrigerated biscuit can,


Popping balloons. Nails on a chalk board. The squeaky clean sound. That's about all I could think of from the top of my head.


Finger nails screetching down a blackboard is a really nasty sound - but that's more unpleasant than scary.


Dripping taps and lightly banging doors that don't quite close. Drives me nuts.


When I was a child I slept through a tornado. Since then, I do not like the sound of wind at night (can't see where it's coming from).

The sound of a dentist drill or tattoo gun.

The sound of pubescent girls practicing their screaming

I'm sure there's more, but my dog woke me up and I really want to go back to sleep.


Just loud ones; I found out that I have hyperacusis which means that I have some bottom end hearing loss so when my hearing kicks in its far too loud for me to cope with. I really want to scream when it happens (in shops mainly) its so immediate I seem to have no control over my response . Its part of getting old doh!


Ooo, fun question. The sound lights make as they fizzle in and out ( Probably associated with the flickering lights which is a horror staple). Also horse hooves clopping at night. Even though I live in a city theres farms adjacent and theres someone who used to ride their horse at night, seemingly directly below my apartment window.. not the least creepy thing in the world. ( has since been nicknamed midnight horse)

That actually sounds really fun to me lol


The sound of breaking bones, cracking ice, that special cracking sound a widow maker make when falling a tree, the ping steel makes when it cracks and screeching bearings.


No. But I am often a contrarian when it comes to my reactions to things. Starts, do occur naturally.


The sound of bullets going past my head.


The noise that annoys me most is a chiming clock. Gee, shut up! If I want to know the time, I have ways of finding out.


As a musician it would be the sound of a banjo or an accordion.

I totally agree on the banjo. But accordion? How about this?


Noisy chewing/eating gets under my skin, especially if they smack their lips. It is rude, disgusting, and takes my memory to someone that displayed the same activity I was stuck around for a few days during a very traumatic time. I just block it out mostly now by focusing my mind elsewhere. lol.


The sound of people chewing loudly with their mouths open and the similar sound dogs make when they're chewing themselves. That one makes me irrationally angry. The sound of the various monitors in a hospital room (pings, beeps etc) fills me with dread.


Dogs barking


I cannot stand the sound of basketballs. They immediately put me on edge. I do have misphonia and many noises make me angry, such as balloons bumping, sirens, music when I'm focusing, creaking of hardwood floors etc. Perhaps you have it too

I had no idea there is a name for it! Thank you! Misphonia - mine is not scary but so annoying I must leave the room - mouth sounds like slurping, cracking gum, etc. In addition, sharp noises do cause me fright.

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