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Do you dream in b&w or color?

AstralSmoke 8 Nov 7

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I dream in color, always. The better question is, what does a blind person see in dreams.

You should ask to blinde people

I don't know any, but I'd definitely ask if I did. Probably has to do with when in their life they went blind.


I mostly have difficulty remembering my dreams, but those that do stand out seem always to be in full technicolour.

More blood stream in your brain helpes you remember dreams. Take some pills before go to bed ..


I dream in color.
I dream in red.
Can't find a better man.

Not quite the words but its a good tune:


I dream in color. Although there have been dreams that I've had that were dark and blurry that could very easily be taken as black and white.

SamL Level 7 Nov 8, 2017

Yes. 😉




Don't dream. Well, I'm not psychotic, so I definitely have REM sleep, but have no memory of dreams the next day.


I don't usually dream in pictures, unless the visual is important for some reason. Otherwise I'm really just dreaming concepts. There's only once I recall seeing color I a dream, many years ago, taking notice of a very bright, vivid, blue sky.

Do you dream in feelings then? How would you describe it? Concepts without pictures? I consider myself to be very visual. I can't imagine concepts without pictures.

Hi @Edward59. I'm not sure, exactly, but when I wake from a dream most of the things that happened don't have "video" accompaniment. I guess it's more feelings than images, but I'm not sure that's quite accurate either. It can be rather detailed, by times, but not necessarily from an image. But, when a face is important, for example, then I'll have an image in mind. I don't know that I'm doing a very good job explaining. :/

I've been touched in dreams, a real sense of feeling. My dreams are always 'video'. And smell; probable all of the senses. Maybe you live more in the moment than I do. I wonder if how we dream can be translated into how we 'experience' world?

I doubt I live more in the moment; I tend to be a hermit in my own head. Ha! It would definitely be interesting to see how people dream and to find correlations with other traits. I've never, to my recollection, felt or smelt in a dream. I have seen color rarely, and occasionally I've seen things. I definitely hear things in my dreams (but when I was a kid I used to imagine my mother's voice calling to me when she wasn't around, so aural sensitivity seems innate to me).

@resserts You dream smells? Thats very different from my dreams they seem to lack both the sense of smell, taste and the sense of temperature. If I small something in a dream and wake up that smell is real like the smell of smoke or skunk wafting through an open window I may or may not incorporate it into the dream but, it is always a real smell not one manufactured in the dream.


I see mostly color , light , lot of things but sometimes black or white these are color too .
Don ' t you think ??

No. black has no color and white has all the colors, but neither are considered to be a color. Have you ever watch b&w films. No color, but wonderful films.


Color. It still surprises me to remember that soem people only dream in B & W.

When you remember or that you remember?


Oh, I dream in colour. Even my more ridiculous dreams mirror reality extremely well; visually, at least.

That's cool. I dream in b&w. Usually plenty of action though.


Usually in color.. sometimes it feels like I am in another state of mind with whats going on.. like I have done that or been there before. Dreams are fascinating. They can tell so much about a persona and what is going on in their life.

I have experienced that occasionally as well. And dreams are fascinating. Do you ever write your dreams down?

I do! even kept a diary at one point because there were some reoccurring ones with some messages I obviously wasn't paying attention to.


Both, though the black and white tends to be something like tapia or very pale and dingy in color rather than fully black and white.

AmyLF Level 7 Nov 8, 2017

So, even your b&w's are lightly colored in someway? I think it's amazing how differently people experience dreams.


Full HD, colour, sound, touch/pain, smell, taste. It's all so vivid for me, that I am never to sure if I am conscious or not. 🙂 Quite often it is like the dream scene in American Werewolf In London, except I don't get nightmares.

You've never had a nightmare? When I was about 16 I had a dream that was on the verge of a nightmare. I commonly walk in my sleep, but that's for another topic. My dream was that I was in a box or crate and in my dream I had come to a place where I knew I could not get out. I had to wake myself up to escape. When I finally managed to wake myself up, I found myself facing the corner of my bedroom with my hands against the wall.

I used to have nightmares, but, since becoming an atheist I have been cured of them.

You might have a point there. I was a Christian when I found my hands against the wall. I prefer to think about it as growing up. I used to have really scary dreams when I was really young. I haven't had a nightmare in a long, long time.


I dream in both plus a combination where the only some things are vividly coloured. I also can control my dreams to the point that I have not had a nightmare for decades.

I can't control my dreams at all. I've tried repeating some real erotic dreams I've had before, but have never succeeded.

@Edward59 I learn to do this because of a reoccurring nightmare about a tiger trapping me in the outhouse we had at the farm as a kid. One night while trapped in terror I found a rifle on the seat beside me and shot the bugger, I was about 9.
It also made me able to restart a dream when one get interrupted. I cannot make a dream repeat but, some do on their own.
One of the other things that occurred after I learn to control my dreams is I learned to solve complex problem while sleeping; I don't understand why but it maybe that some part of my conscious brain is operating all the time.

Next obvious question is How? I didn't really think is was possible.

I have absolutely know idea how I do this. I do you that the Id is present in all dreams that is why you remember them. I am not the only person that can do this I have met others. Most of the time I just lie back and watch the movies in my brain but, if the need be I can direct what I do. It is like this; if in the dream I am walking down a road an I come to a fork in that road and I am compelled to go right, I can stop and go left.


I don't remember

lphe Level 1 Nov 8, 2017

Weed can interfere with even having dreams. This is my take, no scientific backing that I know of. I feel like I'm being a very bad atheist today.

I think so .


Some dreams are in shades of grey but most are in color.

Betty Level 8 Nov 8, 2017

Normally black and white but occasionally very vivid in colour when overtired especially when have been offshore sailing. It is almost like reality.

I think some of my most vivid (memorable) dreams come when I'm sick. The worst ones come over and over again. It's similar to getting slugged in the head several times with a bat (figuratively).


Always dream in color.


I have always dreamed in color.


Vivid color.


Both! It highly depends on my waking life at the time.


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