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As of now I'm Agnostic. Wondering if I should fully convert to Atheism. Thoughts? Or facts please? Thanks in advance.

AtheistLJ 5 Mar 1

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I reckon you'll find your own way, the conversion thing comes from religion if you get my drift. To be an Atheist is simply an non belief, and with me it's rooted deep in my brain, I never got any of the God thing even when my age was in single digits . I remember being in Sunday School with my mate Richard Dawkins ,I remember saying to him "Don't you think this Jesus dude is a real Dudly do right ?" He replied " I only seek the truth and God is a delusion !" and Christopher Hitchins said " God is not great" and then lit a cigarette , we where only 6 years old ..LOL


If you want to convert, you'll need to sacrifice a goat to the void. Them's the rules! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Seriously, though, if you don't believe in a God or gods, you can call yourself an atheist if you'd like. It sounds like you're a weak/soft/negative atheist (where you have no belief, but you don't assert that no God or gods exist), as opposed to a strong/hard/positive atheist who claims no God or gods exist. I wouldn't get hung up on the labels, but it can be helpful as shorthand when talking with other nontheists. (I tend to be careful calling myself an atheist of any stripe when talking with a believer just because they tend to bring so much baggage of their own to the term and too often stop listening to anything else I have to say after they hear that word.)


You believe or you don't


If you view the definition of agnostic, it says you have no theist or atheist view either way. If you are already leaning towards atheist, sounds like you are already an agnostic atheist. It is not a simple yes or no. There are levels of confidence or doubt for both theists and atheists. I am an agnostic atheist. I feel pretty confident that there is no God, but I also know that I cannot know that absolutely. To say you are 100% certain either way, you would be a gnostic atheists or gnostic theist, which in my opinion is not intellectually honest. No one on either side can "know" absolutely.

The main reasons I am an x-Christian are many but basically:

  1. many ambiguities, contradictions, and in some cases outright incorrect Bible information
  2. no verifiable evidence of a God ever
  3. no verifiable evidence of an afterlife ever
  4. given massive indiscriminate random suffering from natural disasters and diseases, if there is a God it is a sadistic and evil entity, or completely powerless not worthy of worship
  5. animal and sea life is a complete blood and guts world, another sign that if there is a "designer" God, it is a sadistic and evil entity
  6. most people strongly believe that their religion (and there are many) is the one "truth" based primarily on their random birthplace. Born in India, probably Hindu. Born in Mexico, likely Catholic. Born in Egypt, Muslim....

I think the main advantage of being an agnostic versus an atheist is: If there is an afterlife and you do find yourself before the Almighty, you can say, "God. I didn't see you." It's a poor defense, but it is better than saying, "God. I won't see you." For me it breaks down to is the believers say they know there is a God. Atheist say they believe there is no god. Neither side has provided overwhelming evidence to prove their position or deny the other's. Jury is still out. I apply Sagan's Standard. Wait until one side or the other proves it.


Use the word atheist because it decreases the chances of holy rollers trying to convert you.


You have to ask yourself, what else are you agnostic about? You don't go around saying there are probably not pink unicorns hidden somewhere on earth but sense no one can prove they don't exist I will say that they might.


I was in limbo as an agnostic for years, then questioned why I was "on the fence" . As an agnostic, you believe there is room for doubt. Once I realized I had no doubt, I became an atheist


We're not saying we "know", we're saying we don't "believe "


You don't convert you evolve


You donโ€™t convert, there is no catechism, no graduation. If you have doubts about there being a master being but unable to let go of the need to feel something controls you life and fear the absolutism of death, you are Agnostic. If you no longer need to believe that there is more than the life you are living, that yourself and chance control what happens to you, and that when you die, you no longer exist, then you are an Athiest. There should be no stigma attached to either appellation. Then there is always Humanist and non-believer if you donโ€™t feel like you need to choose one of the other labels.

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