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Religion is it fair to assume that if you believe in God or God's that is you're right as a member of the human species.
Therefore is it also fair to assume the likes of us who don't should also be treated with the same respect.
However it seems not as the deeply religious among us as humans feel the need to convert all to there beliefs.
I say to each there own and let us be who we are.
Thoughts please, discuss freely..

Wynter75 5 Mar 1

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You would think that is a human right. what about people that have no rights because of where they live


I sometimes use the word god as creation itself, the big bang, bump, membrane mesh. Someone asks if I believe in god and I reply as Einstein did,
I do not accept the personal god idea whereby one prays and the gift arrives or that guilt is to be sufferred. Just that when it was all created I eventually appeared

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

It is in our power to believe what we want, More or less. Rights are a grant. They come from political bodies or as some would maintain, from gods. Rights are a religious concept at their core. Vox Populi, Vox Dei.


Those that demand respect rarely deserve or achieve it.


Religion is anti-human. ....religion is a smokescreen of lies against the facts of life.'s not children's fault they believe religious lies. ....fair minded people quit dope and quit religions. ...neither should be given to children


The fact that it's illegal in 13 states for an atheist to hold a government office in a country founded on the separation of church and state, I have no issues with religion until it's used to oppress other people.

Completely agree


Here in the US, we have an amendment to the constitution stating that we have freedom of religion. That does NOT mean that one religion supersedes all other religions (or none.) And the slogan, In God We Trust does NOT belong on money. Nor does any elected person must say, So Help Me God. As an atheist, I feel that I must be afforded the same courtesy as believers.

...and that means we have freedom -FROM- religion as well.


Don't get me wrong I don't disrespect those who believe in god/s. I usually ask them for concrete photographic or video evidence to support what they are punting is real. So far nadda.


I don't respect abrahamic faiths, but I do respect some people who adhere to them.


You do you, I do me.

Seems so simple and uncomplicated.

@WizardBill I should have added, as long as we both do or cause no harm.

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