As a passionate hiker, mountains are my sanctuary. Hiking is a transcendent, uplifting experience for me.
Not me, absolutely atheist, I don't care about a trend like "more nonbelievers are..."
The person who wrote this article needs to figure out what "Einstien Religion" is. He believed in a supreme being, but not a personal god. Read "The God Delusion" by Dawkins.
If you look at my profile, it says Antitheist. I do not believe in a personal god, but some sort of supreme power. For me it is against absolution. We don't fucking know. You could say "Agnostic", but I prefer spiritual. Einstein also said energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted. Pothagrious (sp) thought god was the sum of all numbers.
I believe in things, but only what I feel. I can't explain that. Kind of like if you have a back problem, weather changes a little, and you say "it's gonna rain". People say there is nothing in the forecast. After a while, when you know something is gonna happen, people believe you.
My point? The only TRUE god is the god within yourself.