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Which of these quotes is your favorite?

Some of the quotes are too long to post so I put up pictures with the quotes on them.

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paul1967 8 Mar 1

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I really like the quote you shared - it's so true that it can be easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled. It's a good reminder to be critical and vigilant, and to always be open to the possibility that we might not have all the information or might be misinterpreting something.
If you're interested in exploring more quotes on a variety of topics, you might want to check out []. It's a website in Czech that features a wide range of quotes on topics like love, life, and relationships.


"I really like the quote you shared - it's so true that it can be easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled. It's a good reminder to be critical and vigilant, and to always be open to the possibility that we might not have all the information or might be misinterpreting something.
If you're interested in exploring more quotes on a variety of topics, you might want to check out []. It's a website in Czech that features a wide range of quotes on topics like love, life, and relationships."


Hard pick indeed! Love both the Twain and Feynman ones so much!


The Twain quote remind me of Trump voters.

When I first read your response, I thought to myself, how the hell does this guy compare the words of a great writer like Twain to something a Trump supporter might say. I took a moment, and it dawned on me what you were really saying.


Like em all!


I love all of them...but I chose Carlin's because I have seen people to do exactly as he said.



Carlins makes me chuckle. Feynman makes me think.


Tie between Carlin and Feynman.


Feynman. It captures a lot of nuance very concisely.

Carlin came a close second, just because I love his delivery...

Zster Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Tough choice.

I really like them all, but went with the first for being the most profound insight into the human condition and our innate gullibility.


Feynman. Because that mantra allows anything to be questioned - even questions that's already been answered. All good quotes, though.


there all really good


my vote went to the Mark Twain quote. he basically says that people are desperate (or lazy enough?) to believe, thus it is accordingly difficult to have that taken away.

i love George Carlin, so he gets to be on second place. ... & i quite live by Richard Feynman's quote.

Abraham Lincoln's statement is too dualistic for my taste.


Feynman is an interesting character, Carlin is awesome

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