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I'd rather feel like an average man among the intellectually gifted, than the intellectual among the average. I feel sad that I feel like the former, because I don't believe I am very smart.

Adrielbass 4 Mar 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, your punctuation, grammar and spelling were flawless in your post; you're doing fine, my man.


The Socratic paradox, a good thing in my opinion.
I am so well aware taht no matter how much I learn, it is infinitesimally small.

And the older one gets, the more apparent that becomes.


Unless you are at the very end of the curve there are always people smarter or better looking. Or conversely there are always people less smart or good looking.

No one is exactly like you and you should value that!

Also it makes a big difference what kind of person you are, be exceptional to others... Thats what makes you truly great.

This made my day


I think of the "Deteriorata" (you have a right to be here) with this OP. Welcome among us and celebrate your uniqueness among humans.


You're probably underestimating yourself.

Just a guess.

But we seem to be a pretty bright group. 😉

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