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FGM or circumcision? Which does more damage?

Can you inform us which is more potentially damaging to health and happiness- FGM or circumcision? We need to know your sex . If you did not previously know the answer please tell us how you researched it 

Mcflewster 8 Mar 3

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Both awful practices . FGM used to dull the womans sexual pleasure therefore stopping her from ' straying' According to Maimonides , circumciscion is designed to weaken sexual pleasure without interfering with reproduction . They are both forms of mutilation , with no advantage whatsoever.Maybe circumsiscion in exeptional medical circumstance , but religious or the chestnut excuses about hygiene , cancer , HIV are complete nonsense.


It is difficult to compare these two especially as techiques of surgery have changed over the years. However the salient points are

  1. The number of nerve endings cut in the process of removing the foreskin and removing the cap of the clitoris in the female case. It is the male that has the greatest number of nerves in the areas concerned - although of course there are other erogenous zones.
  2. There is suffereing no matter how many people say "They will not remember it" or "They will get over it". and I believe it is crime to perform surgery on anyone even if parental permission is given.
  3. No matter what sex we are we should all be campaigning equally for these practices to be stopped.

On the question of reasons for these barbaric acts there was a film released over 10 years ago about Mr (Cornflake) Kellog and his health farms . Preventing Masturbation was his reason. Can anyone remeber the name of the film?


For mental, it depends on the guy. If all of his friends in the locker room look different than him, it can cause distress. [] but Circumscion may lower the risk of STD's or penile cancer. On the other hand, FGM, [], [], often causes problems for the women. Because it is outlawed as a procedure in the U.S, people take their girls to M.D.'s that are not ethical or not even M.D's. In other countries, it can be done by an older female to a young female, the cutting instruments may not be clean. Often no germicide or painkiller is applied. The purpose of it is to remove any sexual pleasure from the child so she won't cheat on her husband. Boys do die from complications.The females are more likely to die because of unsanitary conditions. []. Cutting off labia and the clitoris is involved. There is no medical benefit for FGM.


I didn't realize that circumcision was consider an operation till my Urologist informed me of it 2 years ago. Now I look at it as a type of mutulation when performed on a baby, no reason for it.


I'm not convinced it's even possible to make any comparison between the two as they're vastly different things. Male circumcision, though initially done for outdated reasons, has no effect on a man's sex life and may offer some health benefits. FGM exists solely to control and limit women's sexuality and can cause a very wide range of health issues up to and including death.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 3, 2018

For male circumcision to be comparable to female, it would need to involve removal of the glans.

Though the intent of the two isn't that dissimilar. Female circumcision is intended to remove all sexual pleasure, to deter masturbation and any desire for extramarital sexual activity. Male circumcision, at least in part, is intended to make masturbation much less accessible. Most circumcised men need some form of lubricant in order to self-pleasure. This means that masturbation has to be planned. It isn't something they'll simply find themselves doing while their mind drifts, and they're lying alone in bed.

Of course the male needs sexual pleasure in order to reproduce. He isn't going to achieve orgasm without it, and without orgasm, he isn't going to transfer sufficient sperm to his partner to secure a likely pregnancy.

There are health benefits to being circumcised. The risk of acquiring HIV as the insertive partner is much lower, for starters. I don't think it warrants routine genital mutilation of males, though. As a body modification, with informed consent, when old enough, I fully approve.

@NicoleCadmium I'm not sure how I feel about male circumcision. The whole non-essential surgical procedure performed without consent thing is problematic of course, but most of the men I've known in my life were circumcised when very young and none of them seemed to regret it happening - indeed some of them, having learned later on than many women prefer a circumcised penis, were very glad of it. FGM is, obviously a different matter entirely.

@Jnei That's a cultural norm (particularly in the US) though. Yes, in a culture where circumcision is the norm, you may find a skew in preference towards circumcised and uncircumcised.

Male circumcision does affect sexual function. Sensitive tissue on the inside of the foreskin is removed. The glans can become desensitised from constant exposure and rubbing on clothing. Loss of erectile length is more common than people let on. Of course people who were circumcised shortly after birth have no point of reference to understand how much more stimulating sex might be uncircumcised. Uncircumcised people don't really have a point of reference either. It makes the whole thing very difficult to quantify.

Conversely, overly tight foreskins are very common. There are plenty of men who can't retract theirs fully, or even at all. Being circumcised is definitely preferable to that scenario.

So it certainly isn't as clear cut (no pun intended.) There are pros and cons to male circumcision, even without the consent of the subject. Female circumcision is universally unacceptable.

My personal preference? I like circumcised. I like uncircumcised as long as the foreskin fully retracts, and the owner has taken the time to clean underneath it properly. I'm not keen when it doesn't or when they haven't.

@NicoleCadmium "It makes the whole thing very difficult to quantify." Yep!

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