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Telling an atheist "I'll pray for you" is just as offensive as telling a Christian "I'll think rationally for you."

Saw this online today and loved it. ~ Thought I'd share.

silvereyes 8 Mar 3

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A lot of comments on this about 'well-meaning' - I disagree 100%. I have said this several times on this site and will repeat it whenever it comes up: Saying "I'll pray for you" is nothing more than making the person saying it feel better about themselves, absolving themselves of any help or responsibility that may be required. It is cheap, insulting and offensive to me, and I have no problem explaing that to them.


I just smile and say thank you. I don't want to hurt someone's feelings when they are trying to be nice and supportive. I don't have a problem with Christians who walk the walk, love one another, don't judge, be charitable. They are rare in my experience. The rest are just assholes. None of their institutions are worth wasting my time discussing for they are pure evil.


I've never been bothered by someone telling me they'll pray for me, but thinking about it from this perspective that seems legit. I can think of times I've made secular remarks to Christians in earnest and received criticism and backlash, but they assume they have the right to impose their religious themed salutations.


Thanks for sharing can't wait for the opportunity to use it!


Back when I was in the habit of wearing a star around my neck, I had an old lady come up to me and froth at the mouth while she tried to tell me how terrible of a person I was. I said "Ma'm, would you ever pray for me?" And she sucked in a big breath like I had stepped on her toe, but she said she would. So I said "Then all I ask is that you pray that I get put on the path that's right for me." Took the wind directly out of her sails!



In a work setting I've been told by a co-worker friend that she was sorry I'd be going to hell, but that she'd pray for me. I respect that we have different beliefs, and realize that her distress over my godlessness is genuine.


I've offered to friends (who know I'm Agnostic) who were sick my Agnostic prayers for a quick recovery.

@silvereyes Yes, meditation. I see the christian prayers as nothing more than meditation. In that sense there is little if any difference.


I get what you're saying, but I must humbly disagree


In my personal opinion, that is more ambrosia to oranges.

You're comparing a state of mind based on figmental entities versus a state of mind directed towards tangible reality.
One proposes Goodwill with no Foundation. The other is a calculated method to deal with reality.

Ambrosia and oranges.

@silvereyes ambrosia referencing the fruit of the gods. It's fantasy oranges vs real oranges


Bwahahaha. I'm so tempted to try that "rationally" line someday. (6)


Why would I be offended by that? Within their beliefs that is a kind thing to say. Always trying to look at things from the other persons point of view. It makes communication so much easier


I disagree. Whether you believe it will work or not, prayer to a Christian is the most effective thing they can do. They actually believe in a higher power and if they choose to ask things of their God in your favor then, however useless it may be, I think it's a beautiful sentiment

@silvereyes of course it's not effective to you, but to them in their beliefs they think it actually works


? Excuse me Silver eyes but I consider myself a thinking person and that is why I reject atheism!


Lolol, I’ll think rationally for all the religious that opt out. Just like I’ll eat an extra animal for the vegans, you know, let them live vicariously.


@Huwbert I disagree with her viewing “I’ll think FOR YOU” as a riff on others being a bad comeback line to the religious.


Or like telling a alcoholic or drug addict be careful with the next hit, or a Hooker who has unprotected sex saying arent you afraid of disease, if they are having unprotected sex and they are a practicing prostitute that says they don't care about themselves

I give up! You intellectual atheists win hands down! Ha ha!


A little off subject but, pray and prey homophones, I wonder if they mean the same thing too, in the context of tithing, e.g., Prey for me, bitches!

jeffy Level 7 Mar 3, 2018

I like that, will have to remember it.

@SACatWalker pen and paper beats memory every time!


Worst case if somebody prays for me? They feel better and I'm exactly where I started, zero change. If it pleases them, it's no issue for me.



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