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What would you define as critical human rights? What are things you feel we are all entitled to strictly based on our own sentience and when do you feel those rights take hold?

ScientistV 7 Mar 3

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A good question and relevant to the whole argument over Health Care today. Progressives believe it is a right and conservatives believe it is a privilege. In a modern society I see it as a right. But I am not sure if a logical arguement can be made for either. It would be interesting if anyone has a good answer to this question.


We have very few "rights" and they are always changing. Usually this is for the better as time goes forward, but not always so. We should have a right to a decent POTUS also, but that man has no idea what the word "decent" even means. Oops! I got sidetraked.

No such thing as a universally decent person, since it’s a perspective/subjective term.


My view of rights are as follows:

The right to exist or opt not to...
Bodily Autonomy (Affordable Access to a basic standard of care)
Self Defense/Armorment with the caveat that being a public threat reneges the armorment clays.
Expression (speech, information access, belief, etc.)
Secure/safe Food, Water, Shelter
The right to study and to acquire... (capital continuation)
That all human beings are equivalent once sentient (as in you are equal but have different abilities)
The right to work and to be dismissed only within the scope of performance
The right to travel freely (again, autonomy and self governance)
The right to not be oppressed
The right to pursue happiness
The right to live peaceably


Alexander Hamilton didn't want a Bill of Rights, he was a lawyer. He felt, rightly it seems, that there would be those that believed the Constitution described ALL the rights and no other were legitimate. He put the 9th Amendment in to avoid this but it is woefully unused. If society deems something a right, then it is a right.


My simple answer is all living things should live in an environment that provides for their needs. But there are many caveats.


The right not to be extorted by people they think you have to think the way they do!


In a "civilized" society, or in general? If it's not a civilized society, or for lack of a better term a capitalist society, then you have absolutely no rights except to defend and provide for yourself. In a civilized society, I think we should all have the basic rights needed for survival or a comfortable life, whatever that is. I know "comfortable" is highly subjective too. This is a very loaded question though. Our conservative counterparts will most likely have very different answers. There are many questions and moving parts in this topic.

...Did you just assume my political identity?

@ScientistV No, why would you think that? I said "our conservative counterparts" because the majority of people on this site lean liberal or are liberal I think.

@Piece2YourPuzzle It was a joke, since I’m Libertarian (aka socially liberal but fiscally conservative and piss off both sides readily.)


There are many critical human rights. among them (1) freedom from want, hunger, fear, oppression, (20 freexom to define oneself as one chooses -- so long as the definition does not infringe on the rights of others, (3) freedom to learn and to think without the infringements of indoctrination of imposition of ideological dogma. $) the freedoms and responsibilities of a truly democratic society. These are some of the basics.

Democratic republic maybe, but no large society can be “democratic” in the original context.


there are no rights and no entitlement, its just a human illusion.

I wholeheartedly disagree.

well that's your opinion


I would love a world where the full range of huiman needs were satisfied for everyone, but in different ways so life remains interesting. Manfred Max Neef defined 9 fundamental human needs and I have used these to develop many economic models of the past few decades.
They are:


Equality for each individual and free donuts for all.


The right to be an innocent black or brown person without being "accidentally" or "mistakenly" shot and killed by the po po's. (My brother is a copper. I'm not against coppers).

So you think everyone should have the right to be a race?

@ScientistV re-read.

You said the right to be an innocent person of color ...@AtheistLatina55 If it’s a universal right, you don’t need to mention that. Thebright to not be fearful of police violence.

@ScientistV What should be universal for all, will never be for black and brown people. You apparently cannot relate to the the notion that not "all rights" actually apply to "all people" even if they should. Even if we pretend that they do.

Instead of an ad hominem attack, you could see that as the OP I was speaking of universal rights. I always find it fun when people decide others’ life experiences for them in a disagreement. Shows how tolerant they are... but I mean that whole being called racial slurs from a young age must have warped my sense of justice for you. @AtheistLatina55 we all have experiences, I understand what universal means though. They SHOULD be included for everyone, not just a preferred group.

@ScientistV Love the "ad homin" young atheist". Listen, not trying to give you a hard time. You posted a question. I answered. It is quite obvious you don't agree with me, my experience, or my perspective. That is fine with me. I don't need you to. I will refrain from commenting on your posts henceforth. Have a great day in your oblivion.


Equality for everyone. In all aspects. Gays can marry. Everyone has access to health care and education. Food, shelter, and safety no matter economic status or mental health or ability to work.

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