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LINK Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela

So no help, not even one dollar, for hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico, which is an unincorporated territory of the USA, but 500 Million for Venezuela - The Trump administration has asked Congress for up to $500 million in foreign aid to help “support a democratic transition in Venezuela,” Pompeo said in written testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives. - It's the OIL.

THHA 7 Mar 27

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It is all about oil and nothing more. Venezuela caters to Russia and they have sent "aid" but somehow the country is viewed as being on the invisible divide of the American side of the world. Trump may be on the brink of pissing off his friend, Vlad, or this is just a game we are playing to drive American gas prices higher. Over all, both sides will sell more stuff.


Are we building to a new Bay of Pigs. Lets build another Guantanamo resort. We could sent D. Trump there after he leaves office.


Anybody remember the Monroe Doctrine? Russia shouldn't be in this hemisphere. America and Russia almost got into a nuclear war in October of 1962 over them being in Cuba.

From Der Spiegel, November 26, 2009 :
NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
What the US secretary of state said on Feb. 9, 1990 in the magnificent St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin is beyond dispute. There would be, in Baker's words, "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east," provided the Soviets agreed to the NATO membership of a unified Germany. Moscow would think about it, Gorbachev said, but added: "any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."

powers acting like powers. No one wants someone messing up with their colonies, and that is how USA sees the rest of America.

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