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Settle for moderate to boring sex?

So. For the past three years, I have enjoyed spending time with R on-and-off. He works long hours.

Nobody is perfect. Relationships are a trade-off. Finding a fit older man is next to impossible. Today 3/4 of American men are obese or overweight (2/3 of women).

A liberal and atheist, R is hilarious, kind, well-educated and a great conversationalist. I love talking and laughing with him.

The problem is sex with him is moderate to boring. Overweight, he just lies on his side, humping mindlessly. Yawn. When I tried other positions, his belly got in the way.

He's also passive. "I will never initiate sex," he said. "You have to do it."

Three years ago, I took R. on a steep hike up Chatter Creek trail. It was too much for him.

"You got a third wind!" he panted. "You said you get a second wind on hikes. I was amazed how you ran up that steep hill." I nodded sheepishly. I like to charge steep hills.

"I tell everyone we climbed Mt. Everest," he groaned later. So, I down-shifted to easy creek hikes with him.

Should I settle for conversation and laughter (important to me) and mediocre sex?

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 30

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Don’t settle


I'm trying more and more to embrace a phrase by Maya Angelou: "When someone tells you who they are, believe them...the first time." Some people have mentioned that maybe, with some suggestion, he might change as a lover, but he's already told you that you're going to have to always initiate sex. Hear that. That's someone telling you that they have no interest in changing or taking a more active role. If you think about what it takes to be that frank about it, it sounds like something he means. Not "maybe with encouragement."
Think about what that means to you if you know that he won't change and ask yourself if you're willing to accept that. It's sometimes difficult to find another lover as it takes time and energy, but I feel confident that you can do better than settling. There are a ton of activity groups (say like a hiking, running, or triathlon groups) that may be more appropriate grounds for seeking intimate partners.
This is saying nothing of his weight or level of fitness. You just don't sound like you two are a match.



Thank you for your kind, insightful reply. I appreciate you.

In Wenatchee, the only hiking Meetup group is limited to people under 35 years old. Grrrr... I could hike circles around those whippersnappers!

The Meetup group for older adults disbanded due to lack of participation. I didn't go because they did boring, sedentary activities: pizza and wine, playing bunco, watching baseball games, watching hockey, etc. Zzzz.

Damn, your comments are precise! I think the rest of us could stop and realize just how accurate these words are. It's difficult to take seriously the words others tell us when we wish things to be different.

@LiterateHiker What an odd thing to set an age-limit on a hiking group. Sounds like you might do best to start one up of your own. Meetup groups are notoriously difficult to manage, but I'm betting with a few specifically worded meeting stressing that you really want to be active, you might get the crowd you want, albeit maybe smaller.

@ElusiveMoby I'm trying to take this saying to heart as well. You're absolutely on point about hearing what we want to hear and I'm guilty of it.

@LiterateHiker Why don’t you start your own hiking group without the age limit.

@Olnoseven @Jolanta

I already have a women's hiking group. We hike together on Tuesdays year-round.


Absolutely not! I don’t care what age you are settling is never OK! I would rather be alone than settle!

@mzbehavin agreed!


I've tried to "settle", it's never worked.
I'm never going to settle again, and have no problem accepting
that it's quite likely I will be alone (in terms of a romantic relationship)
for the rest of my life.
I'd rather be alone than settle for less than what I want/need.

Everyone has to make that decision for themselves.
If you aren't getting what you need, you are wasting your time.
Good luck.


Thank you.

@LiterateHiker You're welcome.


No, never settle. When you start ditching the time wasters and move on quickly. It opens you up to finding someone more suitable, faster. Raise your standards, don't lower them.


It's possible settling could lead to resentment or even contempt (at least in my experience) which could negatively impact your friendship. He sounds like a great dude otherwise so perhaps the friendship is the most important part of the relationship.


The way you look, and with your energy level, forget trying to find a fit older man - find a fit younger one.

"R" sounds like a nice guy but he's probably getting everything he wants in you, while you're making all these compromises. Hmm...

I meet women in their twenties who are struggling to meet a good partner, for a variety of reasons. This is not a problem related to age, from what I've observed; it's related to the current times, and the fact that finding someone who will just knock your socks off, is part patience, part effort and part luck..

A conversation with R would be a good start. You can let him know you need more, or you can decide to enjoy all you do, but also see other people. Even if you don't find a man with a smaller belly, you can CERTAINLY find a man who is better in bed; enthusiastic, passionate, energetic and one who initiates. I didn't know that non initiators existed.

I'm sure there are 1000 men on here who would be willing to stay up all night to meet your sexual needs.


Thank you. Good point. I appreciate your kind, thoughtful reply.


There's that too. Sometimes it's just not the right chemistry or gender!
Whatever the reason, the joy of having a partner over just a friend IS the sex. Companionship without sex is friendship.


He sounds like a candidate for the Friend Zone, not a candidate for lover.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 30, 2019


Good point.

@LiterateHiker Relationships can evolve without ending.


Sounds like you have a friend, a buddy. Nothing wrong with that. Why not have a lover also? Sometimes you can't find the perfect package. It sounds like R isn't that much interested in sex and the outdoors but likes the verbal intercourse. He might be happy with just friendship.


Good point.


This one's got to go!! No sex is better than bad sex!!


No. Just from the way you described him, he will never be enough for you. Friend zone. The "I will never initiate sex" would have ended it for me.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 1, 2019

I find sex is always just sex. Without getting personal. Things like toys, mutual masterbation etc can heighten the experience. If both of you are comfortable talk about what turns you on. But being with someone who makes you comfortable to be you and makes you laugh is a big part.


I have been there but for another reason. One partner was alcoholic and when drinking her only real buzz cam from the one alcohol gave her. How can you make love to a person who just lies there with the attitude, okay just do what you want to do (I can't). However, when she went into detox it was a whole different story.

Also, I commented recently on why women get bored more quickly then men. That's understandable as it's easy to please a guy and not a lot of work is required. For some of us even that becomes boring and variety and changes are critical to long-term satisfaction. For me if my partner is not satisfied nor am I!


Is he willing to get in better shape? And even if he is not, he can put more effort into the sex! Tell him he needs to. Just because someone has weight to lose does not mean they can't be an amazing lover. He seems like a lazy lover to me. If he is great in other areas this can be worked on.


Good point. Thank you.

People don't tend to change. Even when they're asked to.
When you are in a relationship, you have to accept the other for who they are, and how they are.
If you can't do that, asking them to change to suit what you want is really selfish. You can do it, but don't be surprised if you are met with resentment and resistance. Or just plain "no".
I've never understood anyone who gets with someone else and then wants them to change.
Ultimatums are childish AF. "Do such and such, or I'm out". Anyone saying that deserves to be told "BYE".

@KKGator I agree for most things. As in his physical fitness. That is up to him. Asking him to please her as a lover is not the same. Doesn't mean he will, but well within her rights to ask. Mutual pleasure is important. That being said, changing his level of fitness, what he eats, or wears or anything else is not something you can ask of another person.

@GreatNani He's already made it clear he's not interested in changing much of anything he is (or is not) doing. Including his sexual "techniques".
He's not interested in changing anything to "please" her. He expects her to accept what he offers and be happy about it.
This is not the first post of this nature. This guy is resistant to change, regardless of whatever benefits may result.
It's clear to me that he's not interested in doing anything beyond what he is already doing.

@KKGator Ah, ok I must have missed the other posts. What a shame. Missing out on a great woman because you won't up your game 🙂

@GreatNani It's cool. I wasn't deliberately being confrontational with you.
He's like a lot of people who see no reason to change lesser aspects of themselves to maintain a relationship.


Looks like you are going to be disappointed if you put body over mind, and judge from physique rather than the comment of a person's heart.


He's a boring, passive lover. That's his choice.

@LiterateHiker Play the dominatrix. It might be fun!!! 🙂


It's hopeless. I already tried to get him to use different positions.


I don't know what to tell you. I have never been in a relationship where both parts were fairly equal. really close a couple of times. I can see your dilemma. I am 5'11" and 155lbs, but I couldn't keep up with you. I'm talking about the hiking of course. 🙂 Finding someone as fit as you over a certain age is going to be difficult.

I couldn't either, lol!

@CaroleKay The hiking? 😊


I stumbled across a site that discusses dating older men and widowers in particular.
Your post crossed my mind as so many echoed similar.
Apparently finding a guy over a certain age that's willing to meet you halfway relationship-wise is akin to winning a billion dollar powerball. There were posts as "winners" in this lottery, but most were like this.

Lotta guys going to be found growing mold alone skeletonized for their relatives to find with a laptop strategically placed...


Bloody hell, absolutely not.
For me sex is something to love and enjoy. Humping is dull, so much to discover with real people, but yes it is a bitch finding them!


I fully understand the issue - there are indeed so many out-of-shape folks out there ( of all ages actually) ! Years ago, I was almost smothered by a big belly , I will no longer tolerate them at all. Turn off.

I think R would have been moved to the friend zone for me. I'd rather have no sex than the kind you've described. Ugh.

Obviously though, it all hinges on your decision ...


Just settle for having him as a good friend. This will never change, you will just get despondent, angry and frustrated. In the end you will hate him and despise him. When it comes to sex, you are better off satisfying your self.


For me that would maybe work for a friendship, but not a partner. I prefer no sex to mediocre, which for me means enough connection and somewhat matched libido.I would rather masturbate than continue a sexual relationship that isnt a mutually good fit.
I could not sprint up incline because of my asthma from allergies, but had a first date with a great guy 5 years ago where we walked 11 miles without realizing because luckily he had a fast pace and we enjoyed the hike. After months I ended it because the sex wasnt a good fit. I would have stayed friends because I enjoyed spending time with him. He considered it a consolation prize. He was wrong, I am a great and loyal friend and maybe even better friend than mate.


Only you know what your priorities are. I know men my age who can still look down and see their own junk. We are out there. 🙂

@whispers Sorry 'bout that. 🙂


I think finding a sexual dynamo your age is probably a tall order. I’m not saying they aren’t out there but from my experience, for lack of a better term my sex drive is just not the same as my younger self. The thoughts are still there but they just aren’t backed with same emotional intensity. I think I’ve gotten more boring sexually the older I get and I’m in pretty good shape for ‘65. In my 40’s I was good for 2 or 3 times a night, now once a week is about all I’m good for. Granted there are performance enhancing drugs but the side effects a lot of times have me questioning is it worth it. Personally I think you are still pretty hot so you wouldn’t have any problems doing the cougar thing. Just a suggestion.....


Thank you for your insightful comment. At 65, I have a high sex drive. rolls eyes


Well it isn't uniformly settling, it is a question of deciding whether it's realistic to "have it all".

You are correct that it is difficult to find men (or women) who are both fit and healthy past a certain age, that being, roughly where we are in our 60s. Although fitness and health aren't directly correlated with quality of sex, so that's something to keep in mind.

My wife and I like long brisk walks and live in a community where there's a fair lot of hills to navigate, so we're fit enough for that. But she wants to be jacked into her music and go at her own pace, so we don't walk together that often; I am more a slow and steady wins the race kind of guy, and I'd much rather be in touch with nature than listening to a playlist. So there's an example where the flesh is willing and able but the styles don't match. It isn't a shared experience for us despite it being theoretically possible.

My wife is probably a bit intense for my taste, and has a tendency to nerves that makes me, a normally sanguine person, nervous. It's hard for me not to absorb her anxiety and reflect it. She's a tendency to be emotionally withheld and hard to know. These things can drive me to distraction but it's okay so long as I keep foremost in my thinking the strengths she brings to the table: fierce intelligence and curiosity, compatible worldview and tastes, scintillating conversation, a welcoming kindness, and terrific intuition (which I am about as dumb as a post concerning in most ways), and more -- for example, via her, I have my stepson in my life, a young man of tremendous integrity and persistence and intellectual prowess, who has deliberately been a comfort to me in the loss of my own son.

I think the job is to find someone with a sufficient fund of admirable qualities to act as a touchstone in the face of their flaws. To reject person after person because they have some show-stopping (to you) issue is not realistic, so long as the sticking points don't constitute actual cruelty or neglect of the relationship.

In the alternative you can accept that you may walk to the clearing at the end of the path alone, and I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with that -- it is just limiting, but perhaps not as limiting as things that annoy you that you aren't willing to not be annoyed about (and yes you can change your attitude and perspective toward such things). Were I to be widowed again, that would almost certainly be my choice to go it alone. I'm centered enough in myself that I no longer feel incomplete or deprived without a S.O. in my life, and understanding as I do the time and energy that has to be invested in truly knowing someone at that level, I wouldn't feel like I had the time anymore.


There ARE Fit ,Virile and more interesting mature Men that would be your Equal. You are awsomely attractive and desirable , don't waste your time with someone who doesn't appreciate your potential!


Anyone can get better at sex. There's good videos, lol even on porn sites. I'd encourage him to watch a few videos. For his own health, he should lose weight but shaming people never works so you have to be gentle and kind .

Personally, I couldn't settle for someone whose activity level was so much less than mine. Heck, I don't think I could settle for an uber fit woman who watches tons of TV. LOL, I might die single but I have great friends.

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