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Atheist Kids

Who else have atheist/agnostic kids at home?

My son is the reason of me designated myself as an agnostic. He was 6 when he told me he was the only one in his class who did not believe in god and that changed my life forever! He teached me to fight for my beliefs. He is 15 now and full of truth ❤
And I'm a proud momma.

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Ninanah 5 Apr 2

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My son is only 3. I’m looking forward to watching him grow up without religion.

kdmom Level 6 July 28, 2020

Both my boys are Atheist, 19 & 21, I live in the Bible Belt, so I'm proud of how they turned out.

marym Level 4 Apr 15, 2019

my four grown sons are atheists but hardly surprising since their parents and grandparents and most of their friends are skeptics. But if one chooses to be religious, I won't mind cos there are far worse things to be. He can be delusional and happy and I'm ok with that


My middle child's an anti-theist and the youngest simply doesn't concern himself with religion. The youngest went to church with the neighbor boy once, described it as really weird, and hasn't been back since.


Both of my children grew up to be atheists, as they had more sense than I did as a young person. Same for both of my stepchildren. The stepdaughter was attracted to religion as a child but at 18, scandalized her catechism class by concluding god didn't exist. And that was that.


He's a grown man. I took him to church as a child and we never really discussed religion until he was an adult. Oddly enough, I'm certain attending church is what convinced both of us that god doesn't exist outside of a book.


My Athiest kids are full grown, two of them - daughters!

Varn Level 8 Apr 3, 2019

When my son was 4 he looked at an infection he had on a cut on his foot and said "what kind of god let's this happen?". I was so proud as this was before we had any religious discussions.


I have two atheist kids. By kids I mean sons in their 40s.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 2, 2019

I have no kids???

I knew I was missing something! Lol


Well done! Great kid looks like Mom! I had my son for a year in a primary school where there was a christian religion class as part of the program. I wrote an exoneration letter to the principal and he was exempted together with a jewish kid!

Awnn thank you ❤?

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