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Scroll by or offer a counter-argument?

We have all seen false information being shared on facebook. Anti-vaxxers, end times, political arguments, etc... I have a habit of commenting, when I have time, with some information that would either disprove the claim or raise a question... I am never rude nor nasty, I just want to give a bit more information. I do this as I once believed a lot of things (mainly because of my upbringing) and thanks to hearing, reading and being exposed to other facts, I finally came to realise how wrong I had been about a lot of things. I felt free and less scared of the world around me. I have attached three images as an example of just one thing I saw today. The first one is a post I found, the other two are photos that I easily found on google and shared on the comment box of the original post. When I do this though, I am accused of being a bully........
I'd love to know what you good rational people would normally do in a situation like this... Ignore or offer information? And why?

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BiancaNoest 3 Apr 5

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Even people who do not like Labour ought to be horrified at this. But its not only twittering idiots - the main stream media are doing a hatchet job on JC, and robbing the democratic process of any chance to make an unbiased or informed decision.
Britian is fucked


I have a couple of facebook "friends" who post stuff like that which are obviously photoshopped images'

I usually just ignore them as the poster rarely has the intelligence to debate the subject


I don't see anything bullying about showing photographs. Perhaps you got through to someone, though some people simply have a strong dislike for factual information. I think you should keep trying.

Carin Level 8 Apr 6, 2019

Today, one of my cousins posted that Mick Jagger coming to the US for heart surgery was proof that socialized medicine (health care for all) was a bad idea, complete failure, etc. I responded that it didn't mean that any more than him buying a limo meant that public transportation was a terrible idea, & that focusing on a what a very wealthy elite person experiences ignores & discounts the reality for the majority of human beings. No response but maybe it made someone pause for a fraction of a second? Who knows. But someone has to stand up for truth & fairness & all that good stuff & it looks like it's us.

@Carin I got a bit disheartened yesterday and needed make sure I am not the only person who thinks things should be debunked. And then somebody sent me this: []
I will continue to stand for the truth. Thank you for your response!

@Carin What a strange idea that universal health care is a bad idea. Nothing wrong with private health care though. If wealthy people like Mick Jagger uses a private facility it frees up the NHS for others.

@Carin Duh. Mick has lived in the US for decades

@chazwin As his primary residence? I don't follow celebrities. But if that's so, why are people surprised he would get his medical care here rather than endure a plane trip back to the UK. It's not like he'll miss the money.

@chazwin, @Moravian Wow, that is horrifying! I wonder why it would be limited to India?

@Carin Don't know what you mean by that comment but if you think the above photographs are factual you are sadly deluded.

@Moravian OK I'm totally confused....

@Carin OK, what is limited to India ?

@Moravian Ah, now I am slightly less confused...I was trying to reply Bianca & not sure how I got you instead....she had a link to an article about murders in India. I stil have no idea why you would think I am deluded though. & it's not a polite thing to say anyway.

@Carin Sorry maybe I am mistaken but I thought you said that the photos shown on the original posting are factual when they are obviously photoshopped

@Moravian They are blatantly photoshopped.

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