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LINK Good Samaritan killed after picking up tabs at Waffle House - AOL News

From good Samaritan to dead Samaritan. A classic case of altruism gone wrong and a young person disrespecting life and losing it.

IAJO163 8 Apr 10

Enjoy being online again!

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It's when things liek this happen that people will say "No good deed goes unpunished."


Never been to a Waffle House. Sounds like a dangerous place to hang out at or the to eat at.

@SeaGreenEyez I think I'll pass. I can make a waffle myself in a more pleasant environment. Waffle House seems to be a southern state eatery.

@SeaGreenEyez Thanks SeaGreen. I've not spent much time in the south but waffles and grits seem unimpressive. I do like most Cajun food, chili and BBQ. I guess waffles aren't spicy enough.

@rogueflyer Grits are good food. I refrain from waffles because of diabetes but they are good also. Just a different shaped pancake.

@IAJO163 I like ice cream also but realize it's high in calories and low in nutrition (high fat, high sugar). Waffles high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, low in any nutrition. Actually not even good as an energy food as it is so fast acting of a carb it actually just goes to fat and makes you hungry again within an hour or two. But yes, probably tastes good just not worth the problems.

@rogueflyer AS the saying goes, "everything's good in moderation" and I follow that rule to the letter nowadays.

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