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A Liberal Friend asks this Question.....

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 5

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Only if I had a death wish.


Sadly that is just how we see the USA from across the pond...

Sadly you are right. We are so incredibly polarized in this nation. Roughly 40% see these issues as the rest of the civilized world does, with sanity. Approximately 20% is conflicted or just not paying enough to form an opinion. And the other roughly 40% is entrenched in an ideology that has been steeped in Puritan paranoia and imagined oppression all the way back to our colonial days but more recently actively fomented by religious leaders using that paranoia for their own proselytizing aims and cynical politicians willing to exploit religious fear for political gain. ...imho


Before you answer that question, answer this one.

Would you like to be an unarmed black teacher running away from the cops during a school shooting?

Trump is a moron when it comes toguns

Being armed and a black teacher is most certainly riskier in a heated violent situation with police than being unarmed is. So don't try to suggest that to have a gun is protection from accidental police targeting. The exact opposite.

@MikeInBatonRouge I didn't suggest that at all. That is why I asked you to consider my question first. If it has already been proven in many cases that a cop will shoot and kill an unarmed black man as he is running away, what do you think will happen if we ramp it up to an armed black teacher ?

ETA: It appears you edited your comment while I was writing my reply.

@MikeInBatonRouge Being unarmed don't mean a thing, cops shoot unarmed blacks all the time on you tube

Thanks for clarifying. I totally misunderstood. Sorry

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