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QUESTION Alabama Republican Cites Jesus and Mary to Defend Roy Moore

They will try to use religion to justify anything...

snytiger6 9 Nov 10

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Sadly too many alabamians will still vote for Moore because they believe a pedophile Republican is still better than a perfectly respectable Democrat. Doubly sad is that if it were a 14 boy instead of a girl they would have run him out of town already.

GwenC Level 7 Nov 10, 2017

The man has no character. He easily and willingly commits what religious believers would call blasphemy just to justify his political stance.


The hypocrisy from republicans is truly astounding. Between Trump's recorded admission of sexual assault to the pedophile Moore, there is no more "high ground" left for these sleazeballs to preach from.

Let's not forget Senator Larry Craig 🌈 and representatives Dan Crane 🌈 and Gerry Studds 🍸

WTF? my designations of R and D for these pervs seem to have turned into a rainbow - republican and something nidentifiable - democrat.


Holy Jeebus! These guys got some kind of nerve. That is some serious shit they're dismissing with a half crocked argument. Do they really thing they can get away with that shit? What kind of asshat comes up with a defense like that. Please, Jeebus this shite has got to stop.

SamL Level 7 Nov 10, 2017

I saw that and also mention of the parents of John the Baptist. makes me nauseous

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