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The arrogance of many liberals is a huge turnoff and one of the reasons the parties have such a hard time working together. I don't and will not align with any party, they all have problems. But demagoging everyone in a party as a knuckle dragging , abusive. , stupid cave man makes about as much sense as singing amazing grace in a mosque. It doesn't make a person look good to insult an entire group as if you or yours is superior and doesn't have it's own set of fools.


Aren't the datables right? Who wants someone that bases his existence on preconceptions and "the old days"? I bet especially the guys are whining. Women that have some potential of thinking will realize that if they marry such a guy, they might be put in a harness of conservative expectations of females. I think that's not the role anymore that these women choose for. Education and good looks are not enough anymore. And maybe #metoo has had influene too, creating some kind of fear for people that are powerfull or working with the powerful. I don't know.

Gert Level 7 Mar 7, 2018

Wow, poor lil snowflakes, misogynist, racist lowbrow over-opinionated jerks, WHY o WHY on Earth wouldn't one of these pillars of the community be able to win over the opposite sex???


Who wants to date someone that’s narrow minded? Not me!


Sad to say ugly old fascists like Kissinger got laid because some females do sleep their way to the top HOWEVER there are fewer such females than there are horn dog fascists. ..accordingly these rapists sexually harass women wherever women work in capitol cities colleges and government offices. ....private workplace sexual predators from Cosby to Weinstein on down to the kidnappers and black market trafficking scumlords keep bribing lawyers and jurists to stay in their rapist businesses


When this appeared in my notifications, it was summarised as "Conservatives Are Whining..."

I thought, "Well yeah - they do that."

Jnei Level 8 Mar 6, 2018

they're whining because that's what they always do when they see their entitlements threatened.

if they were to look on the bright side they would see how this is an excellent opportunity to practice their lying.


That is why they turn to selling sex. The men are even worse

prostitution is what it's all about on Capitol Hill these days.

@hankster These days? Since man came out of the cave politics has been a dirty corrupt game of prostitution.

true @FrayedBear, but they don't even get a room nowadays.

@hankster ROFL LMAO


Well if they wanna be so business-like then they need to offer better services if no one wants to use them now. fresh coat of paint, new clothes, better education, more progressive ...


Perhaps why they're against banning child marriage?

Religious theocratic freedom to rape 9 year old girls on their wedding night with Mohammedans

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