If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?
Left is the fast lane. move over. (Edit: Mostly only applies to the US. Unless in other countries the right lane is the passing lane and people drive too slowly on it. In which case, alter format as needed)
Some squander their existance longing for a distant 'someday'. But someday for us aging warriors...is today. Get cracking.
So many great answers here, patience, tolerance, peace,
but with 'L O V E' those will all fall into place naturally imo.
That we are all made of energy, which is all connected, and that everything we do affects the rest of the universe.
Even the Bible Jesus allegedly says that anything we do to one person, is doing it to all people, and that we are all one.
To subject any evidence or arguments that you are presented with, to the most severe amount of scrutiny and ridicule that you possible can. Any evidence or argument that stands up the best scrutiny/ridcule means that it is probably true, any evidence/argument that does not stand up to scrutiny/ridicule is probably untrue.
This rely's on people caring about the truth as apposed to what they would want the truth to be. The impact this would have is onvious. We would have a society that constantly explores ways to improve/enhance our lives, for the benefit of all
The concept of being able to change your mind, as if it were your direction in a dance.
We are a bunch of self entitled apes on a big floating ball (ish), trying to figure out how to get along with eachother.
@WizardBill Good points. haha
Avoid biases and stay objective to the best of your ability. Recognize on a fundamental level that you don't live in a vacuum and that your choices impact others just as much as theirs affect you.
Love one another, it is in their own holy book and so many don't do it....