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I work with this lady. She is a pretty hard core Christian. She has stuff put up all over her area, so I get to look at it, too. I wish I could take a picture because I would show y'all. She does not know I'm an atheist. For many reasons, but mostly it's because I keep all that out of my work life. The thing is, she is a terrible Christian! She is judgemental, greedy and extremely vain. I'd love to point it all out to her but I won't. It wouldn't do any good. I feel like a hypocrite because I actually really like her despite all of this..Lol..She makes my work day better. Does that sound really hypocritical to you, too? Have you ever been in a situation similar?

Jehe79 5 Mar 8

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Nothing wrong with trying to get along with co-workers, especially if there are things you like about them, despite a glaring negative such as being ultrareligious. Presumably she doesn't proseletyze; try to convert you?


No it sounds like you are lucky to enjoy her despite the shortcomings that many people have


I've decided to put the burden of proof on anybody who claims they're a Christian these days, because hardly any of the ones I know practice what they preach.


Out of experience I would say to keep your views of religion hidden, more so if you like your job and how she acts towards you. I’ve previously worked for somebody for about 4 years, I was one of about 30+ employees. This individual built his entire business around being a god fearing Christian and spent large sums of money on radio advertising portraying/managing that message and persona. He was anything but that. Initially I had a lot of respect for him but overtime this respect diminished as I saw how he dealt with his employees and clients. I also saw how he manipulated people and employees to do work for him that was not related to the business we were in. He also belittled and emasculated people whom he couldn’t fully control.The loss of respect for him actually affected my performance to some extent because I stopped being his “fixer”. It was also around this time that I deconverted from religion. He must of found out about my deconversion form other coworkers with whom I was more candid about regarding my views, because he became almost passive aggressive with me and (I towards him I guess). The last few months of my employment there were not fun.


It is difficult to find a Christian who is NOT a hypocrite. 80% 0f evangelical Christians voted for Trump. They still stick with him even though he is a liar and an adulterer


We are all a little hypocritical, racist, liars and judgemental


It's ok to like someone but really dislike some things about them. I don't see that as hypocritical. Unless it is you feel hypocritical for not telling her your true feelings in regards to her religion and judgementalism. I feel a little bit that way about a co-worker. We get along fine but he is really judgemental. I don't tell him that I think that. I mean how does one say that nicely? . However, more and more I gently disagree with him about those things.


Sometimes, we're put into situations where we may feel hypocritical, but in order to maintain our liveliehoods, we have to keep our mouths shut, and keep our personal beliefs out of the work place.
I think that's where you are. I also don't believe that makes you the hypocrite.
Your co-worker is the most definitely the hypocrite. As are most "christians".
I've worked with some hard-core believers in the past. It's never easy.
There have been times when I was upfront with my lack of belief. There were
times when I wasn't. It's situational. You are always having to read the situation
and determine whether it's "safe" for you to be honest.
I'm always really resentful of the situations where I have to stay quiet, while others
get to crow about their "salvation". It really shouldn't be allowed in the workplace.
At all.


I don't think you're being hypocritical enjoying her company. After all, she is as human as atheists.


So, you're saying she's a typical Christian....


I have a close friend who is the same way. He knows my religious proclivity, that I was a practicing Jew and now an atheist. He has tried to covert me a number of times until I told him that it would interfer with our friendship if he continued. But he is a hypocritical Christian in his lack of giving, caring for other, etc. Why is he still a friend? I am not really sure, but under the crap, he is a nice guy.


Actually, you just defined "Christian" right there. It's unfortunate, but that's the way they operate. When someone tells me they're a Christian, then I know what I'm up against.


I don't believe you are a hypocrite. My Grandmother was a woman of faith, but she walked the walk. She didn't judge people, I never heard her say a bad word about anyone, and she never pushed her beliefs on anyone. There are good Christians just like there are bad nonbelievers.


Maybe there is an attraction?

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