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What is worse?

What is worse, cheating or lying?
Whould you rather be with a loyal liar who lies about trivial things or cheater who hides what they do?

Streetburner 3 May 3

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The very concept is “cheating” is assuming one is lying. They’re the same. Truthfulness is trust. If I love someone and they love me I couldn’t care less what else they do with their genitalia. If my partner tries to hide another from me, I know the trust is gone and that betrayal is what is so hurtful. Respect and trust me enough to tell the truth.


I think that a majority of the population stretches the truth a tad bit and so fibbing about trivial things wouldn't bother me - cheating however, is a completely different matter and I would have to walk away.


I absolutely love being brutally honest.
Lying damages trust, and credibility,
I also considered it to be cowardly.

Cheating is having a unfair advantage over your oponant.

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