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Camp, Fire, Wood

Which is it? 😂

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  • 1 vote
Mark013 7 May 7

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after thinking long and hard, it's both unfortunately. The wood for the campfire is the same firewood used in the camp.

lerlo Level 8 May 21, 2019

Neither. It's just firewood. You don't say fireplace firewood. Although you might specify wood stove firewood because it's shorter, but most people then say stove wood.

Carin Level 8 May 7, 2019

Hotel gas fireplace...


I'm just happy with wood. 😉

I'll provide the fire...😉

@thinktwice LOL! I have no doubt you would.

@Sticks48 hey...are you ok? saw lots of flooding... 😟

@thinktwice It didn't flood here. I did get caught in a flood here three or four years ago. I was looking at it rise as I stood in the doorway of my travel trailer. It stopped about three or four inches from the door. I did lose a vehicle in that one. Most of the really bad weather has been north and east, which is normal for hear. I imagine as big as Austin is now, the heat coming off the city is affecting weather patterns. We are having a beautiful wild flower season.

@Sticks48 I was caught in a flash flood here in my Honda Accord...rescued by the fire department...pretty employees saw me on the news and knew I would be late for was not an experience I would wish on anyone...I bet the flowers are gorgeous!

@thinktwice I'll bet that was scary. I just figured if the trailer moved the woods would stop it from going very far. The flowers are amazing. We had winter rains which makes for great wildflowers, and now the rains are keeping everything very green. We get two springs here. One in the spring and one in the fall.

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