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I am in a really torn position right now,'s weighing heavily on my heart. I've been on dating sites for about 4 months since my fiance passed away last year. Have had a few dates. One guy who showed interest from the beginning and we have grown close is kind, a gentleman, a hippie-ish type 63 year old, loves to hold hands, is Liberal like me, but doesn't have a lot going for himself, moneywise.I am comfortable, but not rich, and would like a guy who could go places and do things with me and be able to afford to pay his way. Also, he does not have a real strong sex drive. In the meantime, I met another guy online, also 63,a far right Republican(which I said I'd never date a Republican again), but he does treat me like I'm the best and sexiest thing ever, he has a nice house, is generous, and a strong sex drive ,,,which I super appreciate in my 60s.He loves to go places and do things. No money issues. Now, I am torn. I don't want to hurt the first guy, because he is so sweet and I know he has really fallen for me, but I don't want to miss out on the years I have left because he can't afford to travel and do thngs that I hunger for. But, the other guy, being far right, I have told him I just can't discuss politics or religion with him at this point,,,but I know other couples who are polar opposites, politically, and get along well. Suggestion or comments?

crazycat329 7 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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It's hard to say. I have an FB friend who is younger than me, very religious, and she really likes nice things. We get along great but only talk on the phone. She knows I am atheist. We have not actually met. In order for us to get along as a couple I would need much more money, OR to win the lottery. LOL Then we are creatures of habit. I am comfortable with this woman but the situation reminds me so much of how it was with my wife of 12 years. I hold back because I would be setting myself up for the same thing again. Maybe the same failure.
Keep in mind that there is no time limit with grief. Do not let anyone rush you into another relationship in any way. If in doubt just tell these men you need more time. If they are not for you they will fall by the wayside.


Consider also:

My boss' dog is 11. It just got stem cell treatments and is frolicking like a puppy. All this "oh I don't have much years left" stuff needs to stop with people. People are already and going to be living a LOT longer. Money won't be an object. Youll see 😉


It's all a matter of what and where your values are. How can anyone not in your position give you any advice? What you are going to have to do is weigh your integrity against other things you think are important to you, then make a decision. If it's a bad decision, it's another lesson learned. If it's a good decision, then roll with it.

I've actually enjoyed the input I've received from others here . Some things have confirmed what I was already thinking, and others have offered thoughts that are really good things to keep in mind. Mostly, the comments have made me realize that I'm really not a bad person for the situation I've put myself in...I'm human.And boy, I needed to hear that.


There booth wrong for you. its your one and only life

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