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What is your opinion on Wiccans?

I’ve a friend that says she is Wiccan and studies witchcraft, but I can't understand why. I’d ask her directly, but we haven't been friends that long. I don't yet know if she truly believes in magic or spirits, but I’m wondering if ya’ll know anyone who does. Please share what you think.

RandyMoose 7 Mar 9

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I wike'em.


I'm a former Wiccan, kind of fell here into the Athiest/Agnostic community from the other direction that most people come from. Feel free to ask me anything, although there tend to be as many brands of Wicca as there are people who follow it.


I studied it for a few years. There is a pretty strong tenet to live and let live throughout paganism in general... not that there are no asshats, every group has those, religious and non. Generally they are a fun loving, nature loving bunch of people. As to the witchcraft bit, it's never what you think it is and until you study it yourself, I don't mean a cursery glance over but real study, it really isn't something you can quite understand. Not everyone is interested enough to do that and that's ok. They don't have to be.

AmyLF Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

I've read a couple of Wiccan spell books, and they focus only on brining out the best in people. They’re opposed to manipulation and, at least the books I’ve read, adamantly discourage any kind of revenge, or “dark” magic. They don’t proselytize, or prey on the fears of others... so in that aspect, I’m perfectly comfortable with them. Granted people are people and so not everybody is going to be worth hanging around, but that’s a people thing rather than anything else.


I have known many Wiccans, Some are more old school and believe, more or less in what you might expect. Many if not most seem to make some sort of hybrid stance and believe the forces being used or controlled are inherent in ourselves and/or the universe at large. Some attempt is made to explain as a science of sorts.


I consider them less annoying than others with stupid beliefs, but they’re still kooks.

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