11 8

Do you think Satan and Santa ever get each other's mail?

Benthoven 8 Nov 11

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Well they both make lists. They both know who's been naughty and who's been nice and red is also their favorite color. Mailman could be easily confused. They probably are penpals...


Well, no. My mother used to work in the dead letter section of the post office where all letters of those type would go. She did see many funny, interesting, and heartfelt santa letters but none to satan.

SamL Level 7 Nov 12, 2017

Hahahahaha! That's a good one! Made me smile first thing in the morning 🙂 Thanks!


Satan is Santa for the adults that didn't figure out Santa was fake on their own. I bet they ask him for the help they are afraid of asking Gawd for.

Orly Level 5 Nov 12, 2017

Ha ha I can see it now. Santa being freaked out with what satanists r asking for. Satan popping round to Santa apologising for opening his mail by mistake.


Only if the mail carrier is dyslexic.


That depends on what the sender is asking for.


The same place that Santa's mail ends up, probably gets Satan's mail. Since they are both imaginary, the mail service must make a handsome profit on not having to deliver at all.

Many post offices have "someone" who receives "Santa Mail" and responds to it, so that the children who write the letters get responses from Santa These are sometimes a volunteer at that post office, or sometimes the local municipality with have someone that does that.


As someone who works for the Postal Service, I can say Santa doesn't even get Santa's mail, but we deliver to politicians all the time.

Thats brilliant chap lol


Same dude. Satan just likes cosplay is all. 🙂

That's what I thought. Same person.????????

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