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LINK FACT CHECK: Did 56% of Survey Respondents Say 'Arabic Numerals' Shouldn't be Taught in School?

So they want to ban teaching Arabic numerals . . . .

THHA 7 May 16

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The fatal flaw in western democracy - everyone gets a vote, no matter how dumb they are


Likely many of them don't know what "Arabic" numerals are...


Religious Assholes using racist attitude

bobwjr Level 10 May 16, 2019

Probably as idiocy knows few boundaries. The right wants to cancel science as it stands; just let them know who named most of the stars, etc.


Ignorance and bigotry go hand in hand...sheesh...although the question was purposely loaded to seek out bigotry, it is still sad...


😂. That's right up there with the table on the college campus: "STOP WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE!", which typically had plenty of signatures against domestic abuse. Gotta love english!

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