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When I think about life, other people, nature, etc...; I often think how strange it all seems to be. However, then I think, compared to what? I know other people get that, wow this whole life thing is strange, mind set also. In a way it doesn't make sense. We don't have any other world or existence to compare it to, so why does it seem strange?

Rudy1962 9 Mar 10

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I still get the wow, life to me is wow.
I still see desolation as the norm and find living things so amazing.

Yah when you think about it, they are


Huh? What seems so strange?

Being on a ball in the middle of nowhere. All these other people and weird ways they act. That I'm alive and some day I won't be.. sometimes seems weird


Lack of answers

Best explanation I've heard


It is amazing, to think of our history. Life started in the Ocean over 4 billion years ago, and here we are.

gater Level 7 Mar 10, 2018


history is just about humans hence prehistoric creatures


Do we need a comparison to identify strange?

That's what I'm wondering

@Rudy1962 good question. it would be hard to tell if an infant was uncomfortable with stange vs just doesnt like what is going on


We are far from the norm with Trumpty Dumpty sitting in the Oval Office.

Yah. I mean even politics aside, and before Trump, I guess it is a certain type of existential anxiety.

The tRumps of the world are a dime a dozen. It's just now our turn to have one.

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