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Who was Jesus ?

I’ve a notion that Jesus was more than folklore. That he probably did exist, went to Jerusalem, was a political activist who spoke out against the Roman oppression of the time, and got himself crucified for it. What are your thoughts on Jesus. Do you think he existed at all? And if so, what might your theory be on it?
( Warning: This thread contains a troll.)

billhoo 5 May 20

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55 comments (51 - 55)

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Jesus was eaten by dinosaurs shortly after they put in that cave and sealed in. Those assholes! They killed Jesusey!


I think he probably existed and I coincide with most of your views. All the magic and holly ness was later added to his story by his followers or people who saw this remarkable individual as a good excuse to create a new religion


you have a "notion" that he was more than folklore and he existed? based on what evidence? new testament? first prove your "notion" with evidence. Since there isn't any, then you have your answer, jesus is a figment of your imagination, something fictitious, made up, not real.

I have made no claims, just a notion. You claim he didn’t exist. You prove such. I’m not claiming to know anything.

@billhoo you asked the question, you prove he exists, i don't have to prove anything

@Mofo1953 I don’t need to prove that he exist, to ask if he existed. Pay attention, and stop trolling.

@billhoo when people don't like the answers they are getting immediately they accuse people of trolling. You did a wishy washy acceptance of his existence, I read prety well, here is what you said in the opening "thet he is more than folklore, that he "probably existed" (so prove it, if he "probably existed" ), thet he went to Jerusalem as a political activist and was crucified for it, so you are first stating what you believe, you are not just asking if he existed, so be a man and stand behind what you really believe instead of hiding behind a question after you basically accept his existence.

@Mofo1953 I’m perfectly aware of what I posted. You conveniently left out my query of “Do you think he existed at all?”
I stated my position that I find it possible that he existed. Then I asked a question.
So, to be more precise...

  1. I find it possible that he existed.
  2. Do you think he existed?
    Now, are you implying that I need to prove that I find it possible that he existed?
    The question that is posed to you is clear.
    The title of the post “Who was Jesus?”, is just that, a title. If you are so well read, you would know that already.
    Not one other person, out of all of these replies, has found any difficulty with the question, nor the thread at all.
    At this point. make no bones about it, you have gone above and beyond at proving yourself a troll.

@Mofo1953 And furthermore, what if I did believe that he existed?
My biggest obligation, by any stretch, would only be to prove that I BELIEVE that he existed. Not that he ACTUALLY existed.
Man, you are far gone 🤪

@billhoo so because you believe in something that is proof enough? And you say I am far gone? wow. Hey, I believe in the tooth fairy and that the earth is flat, that is my proof! Amazing.

@billhoo and I replied, you fail to mention that, I clearly said a fictitious character.

@Mofo1953 Papa Said...Never wrestle with a pig. You just get all muddy, and the pig has fun. You are now officially on ignore.

@billhoo That mofo guy doesn't have a fucking clue lol
How many times did you tell him you weren't asserting Jesus's existence, merely stating your possible belief? Sheesh!

@Bones2Pick Yep, and you can find him talking about Jesus on another post. (proof he’s a troll). 😠

@Bones2Pick All things bring equal, he would have me not talk about possible life in the cosmos until I prove they exist. Annoying control freak.

@billhoo doesn't agree with me = annoying control freak and troll, talking about Jesus, where? Except for refuting his existence due to lack of evidence. Attack me all you want, will not change the fact that you "possibly believe" which in any dictionary means you believe. Now for the cosmos, your analogy is really moronic, the answer is I don't know for a fact if there is life or not, the law of probability indicates it is plausible given that we have billions of galaxies and inumerable earth like planets, it would be asinine to ask you to prove something that nobody knows yet, to compare that with a man made "god" like jesus, man made thus not real, is borderline idiocy.

@Bones2Pick do you hear yourself? "You weren't asserting jesus' existence, merely stating your possible belief" so possibly believing in something is not asserting its existence? Brilliant! Would you be upset if I say that I possibly believe that you are a suck up and a busy body? Or do I get a pass because I am not asserting you are?


How about when/where was "jeebus", since meticulous Roman record-keeping show Zippo about any such person. Who comes on here and posts stuff where you have to first agree there was such a person before you can even discuss the post???!
Methinks a troll......

I’m sorry you feel that way. But I reserve the right to have my own opinion, as well as seek out opinions of like mined individuals. I do not need to agree with your view on the subject, to want to discuss said subject. Take a deep breath, and relax on it.

@billhoo and after this discussion, can we discuss the types of eggs the Easter Bunny delivers? (I hate those too-sweet Cadbury things!)
About as useful an expense of my time......

@AnneWimsey And here comes the trolling. Are you seriously suggesting that I don’t engage in a discussion with others because it would be a waste of your time? Please go troll on someone else’s page. Please and Thank You.


I think that there was a real person. I would imagine he did and said some of the things attributed to him. I also suspect that his character was elaborated on after his death to make him into a larger than life figure that people could use to encourage worship of him.

I personally struggle to believe that he could be created from a collection of stories without an actual person to start with. I could totally see one fairly outstanding guy (in either a good or bad way) having a lot of other stories attributed to him until he became God on earth. I don't really need there to be any actual evidence of his existence because a lot of people have lived and died on this earth without leaving evidence. If the majority of the stories about him were not actually him, it would be very hard to pin down an actual individual.

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