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Who was Jesus ?

I’ve a notion that Jesus was more than folklore. That he probably did exist, went to Jerusalem, was a political activist who spoke out against the Roman oppression of the time, and got himself crucified for it. What are your thoughts on Jesus. Do you think he existed at all? And if so, what might your theory be on it?
( Warning: This thread contains a troll.)

billhoo 5 May 20

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55 comments (26 - 50)

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Jesus was a construct construct of the Romans, designed to quell The Jews.
it caught on what viral became the greatest marketing sensation of human history.


Who was Jesus?... My gardener, he was Mexican illegal who unfortunately got caught driving skunk drunk and was deported 😂😂😂

So,,that would be a DWS. (driving while skunked).

@PondartIncbendog Yup, DWS is right.... However, turns out it wasn't a big deal. It is true, Jesus is everywhere !!!! I got another Jesus gardener almost right away. There seems to be an infinite supply of illegals now a days

@IamNobody Praise Jesus. The best in gardening.


Who Cares !?!

mzee Level 7 May 21, 2019

the guy who asked the question?


He is a fictitious character. He may be based on a real person, but the real person certainly did not do all the things written in the New Testament.

That he is mythical is supported by the fact that prior mythical beings also had virgin births, resurrections, worked miracles, etc. He's just one more myth in a long line of similar myths.


Jesus was the creation of Paul...


I know at least three Jesuses, one from Sonora, one from Tihuana and one from somewhere nearn El Paso. All Mexican. The guy from the desert was probably named Joshua. I don't know him.


@PondartIncbendog Mais oui!


The Dude is more “real” than Jesus.


Sure Jesus existed! There were "news reporters" of the day who were literate and recorded the events of the day, just like now. That's how we know all of the other events that took place two thousand years ago ( you know like Caesar, Cleopatra and Anthony, they were real too). I remember a statement made during the days when I went to church; it said something like Jesus was either the son of god or a lunatic. Now I tend to think he was a lunatic, a nice guy, well-intentioned, but a lunatic nonetheless! I tell people now if Jesus comes down here, stands in front of me, lets me put my finger in the hole in his hand like doubting Thomas was supposedly allowed to do, then we can talk about my belief being restored! I'm not waiting for the trumpets to come from the sky heralding his return!


I thought he played for Man City


It's been suggested the the oracles of ancient Rome and Greece were playing both sides. Using science to trick and manipulate those of faith.

It wouldn't surprise me if they were behind the myth of Jesus. There probably was a real person, but he would have been a member of their group and they used science to create miracles to prop him up. At some point, they would of realised that it wouldn't work having feuding gods between the Romans and Greeks and created a new system centered around 1 god and used their trickery to fool the masses into believing Jesus was sent by god.

So that's my theory. That the character of Jesus was created by a group of people who didn't believe, but knew they could manipulate those who did with scientific/natural knowledge.


Well, I know a man named Bruce Wayne ..... does that mean Batman comes out at night??


If Jesus existed, he definitely wasn't who he said/thought he was. My thought has always been that Mary was a con. She got pregnant at a young age, out of wedlock, and needed a good lie, since death was the going penalty at the time. A lie that Jesus and some unfortunate others believed long enough for it to spread and turn into whatever the fuck Christianity/religion is now.

Hey, I thought of that very same thing. Seems to fit as well as anything else.


Like Abraham, and Mohammed, Jesus was a strange dude, who spent too much time in the desert, smoking funny green hay, and chewing too much khat. The result of which, was that he imagined that "God" was talking to him, and telling him he should found a new religious cult.

Hmm, wonder if they grew mushrooms in that area 😎 ?


A methodological being!

Created as a false flag operation to gain revolutionary control for those who oppose being ruled and taxed!


I don't know. If he existed or not I absolutely don't know. He may have been a guy high on drugs and people believed what he said, he may have been a mad man, an ordinary guy or even the actual Messiah or the son of God. These last two are the most unlikely in my opinion. If he did exist I believe he was Jewish and followed the Mosaic Law and didn't eat pork like any other Jewish. The funny thing is the guys that later started following his teachings started to eat pork and having their resting day on Sunday to differentiate themselves from the Jewish.


I think it is an amalgamation of exposure to Asian philosophies and Buddism through the trade routes that had opened in roughly that era.


he was probably one of the many Jew reformists of that era with a really good PR department.
The the story of many reformists, some legends and some philosophy that was going on at that time were attributed to him, because he became an authority figure, and so the legend became bigger than the man.


I listened to a talk on Youtube given by Bart Ehrman. His arbument was that the Gospel go to great length to get the Jesus story to fit the propgezy narrative (or something along this line). If Jesus wasn't a historical individual, there wouldn't need to be these extraordinary stories which most likely attempted to integrate history with fiction to make Jesus more divine. My thought on the su ject is that I'm willing to accept Jesus as a historical i dividual, and thzt fhe Jesus as depucted in the Bible never existed. Sine my most recent religious background is Mormonism, we have an excellent example in that church's founder Joseph Smith. The character of Smith has been sanitized over the last 175 years or so to make this charlatan con man into a larger than life individual who is just a bit lowerthan Jesus Christ. If the character of Smith can be altered so radically in this day with recent documents a historical records, then it is not at all surprising the same could occur with Jesus when word of mouth was more likely the mode of communication and written documents were scarce.


I agree and most scholars do too. Even agnostic and atheist ones. I have spent a lot of time researching this.
He wasn't born at Christmas. He was born probably in April. He wasn't god's son. In fact that was mostly Paul's invention. He may not have been Jesus and more likely Esau. He was likely to have been married and may have had children. He was a radical. He was an activist and he was not always a nice guy. If you read the text this is clear. The problem is, Jesus was reinvented by Paul in the same way Mohammed was. Both leaders were given a more hard line makeover. Paul talks about cutting your hair, wearing blue etc. Jesus never mentioned this. Jesus never discusses gays (except one reference to Eunichs which is probably a mistranslation) and never discusses abortion. It is likely he didn't care. Much of what we 'know' of this long haired hippy is wrong. He did exist though.


we will never know, since (because he was not divine at any rate) he won't be coming back to tell us. i suspect he never existed at all, but if he did, he sure wasn't anything like what people who never met him and were not even alive during his lifetime said he was. since i have never been christian, this has never been a burning issue for me.



No body knows for sure but it is possible that he never existed and that the Roman invited this character to try to soften up the Jewish religion and revolut and control the Jewish people 😉

Yes, I had that afterthought as well.


Oh, that's Joe's step brat. You know the long haired hippie that looks like Cesare Borgia. Goes around spreading apple seeds throughout Sherwood Forest while keeping the world safe from the lizard people or some dumb ass thing like that.


He is a prankster..said he would die for your sins but stayed alive 🙂


He never existed.


The cross where he was crucified was never found. The shroud is a phony. The cave or the body was never located.
I have conflicting opinions. He might have been a real person. Got nailed up. Wasn't too rare in those days. I still think the Dinosaurs ate him.

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