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What's something you didn't learn until you were an adult?

There were a few things I learned a little later in my life based on how I was raised. What's something you learned in your adulthood? One example is the idea of individualism vs. cooperation. I grew up with a mother who really encouraged self-expression and individuality. Her parents didn't, so she went the opposite direction. But, what I didn't realize is that sometimes that comes at the expense of cooperation. Cooperation and working with groups being a big help when it comes to going to work and being successful. I had to learn later how to strike the balance between "being myself" and "playing well with others." How about you?

silvereyes 8 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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saying 'no' without any negative feelings.

appreciating the taste of brussel sprouts, kalamata olives & ginger.


performing solo a capella on stage without dying.


That nothing is ever as straight forward and black and white as we were told...


Life isn't easy. School life was easy, be it friends, work, school. It was easy making friends (and this is coming from me who didn't have many friends) because you have to be around a bunck of people 5 out of 7 days a week. But when you leave school and (hopefully) get a job. I don't know if you guy love hanging out with your coworkers afterwork. But I for one can only stand 3 or 4 people I work with after work........ So I don't rember everything else I wanted to say.


I learned everything about adulthood as a young adult. How to budget and pay bills, still working on that one,


Opposite extreme here, my mother (like, apparently your grandmother) emphasized playing nice with others, I had no idea I could even BE myself until well into adulthood (I give credit to my late 2nd wife for giving me permission to be myself -- I guess I needed it symbolically).

Funny how the generations play ping pong, each one abreacting to the imbalance of the previous one.

i too took a long time to grasp my innate right to be whoever i want to, to be my own authority. in my case this was due to an overpowering father-authority (he was a teacher).


Too many facets of life and social behavior to enumerate here.


I had a Christian household so everything lol


Lol yeah I still haven't really learned how to play well with others at all...I still don't know how to do some pretty basic adult stuff cuz I wasn't taught and haven't had to use it yet cuz I haven't lived outside of my parent's (or in a place where I basically just gave cash and it was dealt with) yet. Can't think of what specifically those things are atm, though.


How to do tax returns.


I was always told that I was a lot smarter than everyone else due to an IQ test I took before I was old enough to even go to school. It wasn't until I started working where my employers in their constant comparisons that I really saw what they were saying. Book smarts only take you so far, you need to actually apply your learning before it's really understood.


The value of a good book. Also, when you put things into the perspective of what actually matters, happiness comes naturally.

Marz Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

Algebra, haha.

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