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From the earliest times, religion has encouraged man to believe that he is above the animals in this world, and, not only the animals, but also other humans. This concept of separation from the class, "animal", leads man to believe that he is justified in anything that he does to any "lower" sentient being, up to and including other humans who just happen to be placed in that category of less than human. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why governments, almost always, without exception, support some form of religious belief, because it can be used to justify mass murder of those who are deemed as unworthy of being "human". The state and religion often work together to promote this idea that murder is justified when it is done with the go-ahead from them.

Archeus_Lore 7 Mar 10

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Actually, they don't consider animals to be sentient. In Western culture the idea that animals act purely on instinct has become accepted dogma and has even influenced scientific thinking.

Thus, everyone is surprised when dogs, cats, whales, dolfins or chimps exhibit behavior thought only to be the domain of humans. It comes as a surprise only because of this dogma.


All life fights for dominance including plants like strangler figs. us humans with our big brains take it to a whole new level which will be our downfall.

I hope we can change that last sentence to read "... whole new level that may be our downfall."

I still hold out some hope that we will mature and recognize our situation more objectively.

no chance as you need all peoples with all beliefs to agree and there are still wars happening. then there are power-hungry countries and the list goes on. there's also all the feral animals in the wrong countries just destroying echo systems. human fucking rights bla bla bla .......... good luck with your hope


If we humans are not animals, what are we ... plants?

Many of the religious consider it sacriledge to point out that we're "mere animals" and sometimes, they are even uncomfortable with suggesting that animals have feelings or can experience pain or have any of those things they think proceed from an imagined "spirit". You can always count on god-botherers to commit category errors.

On the other hand, saying we're animals doesn't mean we can't say that we're different or lack some unique capabilities. Animals are intelligent, even if at a lower amplitude than us, but they are way behind us in use of tools and language, and they do not have writing. We are aware of our mortality (something we generally don't handle well). There are distinctives.

This does not mean we are god's special snowflakes or that we should lord it over the rest of creation or do with it what we please with zero compassion or empathy for so-called "lower" creatures.

I distinguish us from other animals as the only ones possessing the ability to consciously override our instincts … along with our awareness of eventual death.. With a fear of death likely at the core of all religions...

@Varn I was always told it was our opposable thumbs that marked us out for greater things,
but I assume the apes also have them

@jacpod Yes, right down to our fingernails.. The religious like to ignore the apes, of which we’re so closely related.. Hey, just found this: Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees,orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort. Many dinosaurs had opposable digits as well. Granted, most of these are primates, as are we. 🙂

Our only advantage over some animals is just an opposable thumb


In Oz, the original inhabitants were counted along with stock when a property was bought and sold. Terrible state of affairs.
The early settlers declared Australia, "terra nullus" meaning it was owned by noone, in fact until 1967 Australian Aboriginals were not included in population counts and there were clauses in our constitution that gave the Governments the power to make laws for the benefit any race except the Aboriginal race. This was changed in 1967 by a vote of 90% of the population. Again showing how out of touch our politicians are with the will of our people. Last year it was marriage equality, the Australian people have been in favour of such for many years, but most of our politicians have been against it.


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.”


Seems we differ little between the days of one protozoa eating another … it’s just that we’ve become larger ..and capable of justifying our behavior..

Varn Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

Possibly, but chimp troops kill each other, and cave men killed other cave men, so religion is just a more advanced excuse to eliminate human competition.


Genesis 1:26 is often quoted to justify our domion over animals, and that's a trigger point for me, makes me crazy. You have taken that to another level and made a good point.

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