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Religion: Engage or Ignore? (the less screwed up question)

All of this time I've been writing here, I suppose it's time I screwed up...

Kinda mad at myself on this one, because I want honest opinions, but my question wasn't as clear as I would have liked.

I want to admit an error in the wording in my first attempt to make this poll. Sorry if you answered it. I had a question, that I do really want the answer to from my fellows here!


For some, religion cannot be ignored.
For others, it's live and let live.

I've noticed a big gap in where people here fall. Some are activists, some pacifists, some in-between.

What do you fall into? Why?


Option #1: I don't mean oppress. I mean speak up against, be vocal on non-belief, educate the masses. Discuss lack of religion openly in an attempt to bring others to your point of view. Work to keep it out of politics. Talk openly about the issues associated with certain beliefs.

By religion, I mean ones that impose themselves in politics. Ones that have teachings that impose themselves on others.

(Because I know most people really don't want to take away freedoms or force themselves on people- that's not what I'm asking!)

  • 16 votes
  • 12 votes
  • 6 votes
silvereyes 8 Nov 12

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To clarify though, I don't avoid discussion or conversation. I simply don't force the conversation. I think it's beneficial to have the conversations but not in an effort to convince, just in an effort to share understanding. I've found that the fastest way to reinforce anyone's beliefs is to try to convince them that they are wrong. This was true of people "witnessing" when I was a Christian and is true now in partisan politics. If we put aside or egos long enough to learn about each other we might find a middle ground easier and without as much conflict.


I feel like I'm spread across all options. I think it's good to speak out about the harm religion causes, but I also have a live-and-let-live approach to people who believe but are peaceful and don't push their views upon others, and I tend not to engage with people on religious topics unless they bring it up.


Keeping religion out of politics is important to me. We need to be a secular society. What people want to believe is none of my business as long as they aren’t trying to force their dogma on me.


Ex-Mormon here chiming in.

All (almost all) high school age Mormons attend seminary for all 4 years. It’s basially one hour a day Monday through Friday of scripture study. I never remember a time in my life that I believed any form of Christianity alas, my mom was the instructor, so I had perfect attendance all 4 years.

Say what you will but scripture is full of beautiful prose. My mother is a best selling author in her genre, my dad was a department head in theater for a university. I inherited some of their creativity. I still quote scriptures but in a poetic sense which I admit confuses many.


I voted it's bothersome, but I avoid or disregard.

If someone is pushing it in my face I'll defend myself whether it be in person or online.
Mostly I'm an online warrior because I can't get out much.

If someone is just blabbering the same jibberish I've heard so many times before I'll probably dismiss it as nonsense.


If you briefly and engage and make someone articulate why they believe in a giant blue rabbit in the sky that made the world, they might find they doubt the sky bunny.
If you point out that if everything must have a creator, they don't know who created the sky bunny. (And if the sky bunny can just appear from nothing, it saves a step to assume the universe just appeared.)
Hopefully you will learn something, and they will think about their point of view.

Allan Level 5 Nov 12, 2017

As a transplant in the Deep South I find it difficult to stay out of it. Christianity as a whole doesn't bother me as long as they are "walking the walk". It's when they hide behind a badge of Christianity and act like total shitheads I have a problem.
It's all I can do to not look at them and scream "Have you even read the words of Jesus?!?!?!"
Keep your religion and keep your opinions but keep them both out of my government and keep them both away from me.


@Silvereyes Glad to see someone else having problems with words. It's a common struggle for me. Your question has the undertone of 1) communicating (even if we disagree), 2) don't want to talk about it just leave me be, and 3)I have already formed my opinion so don't want to talk about it. The topic, for me, goes beyond the topic of religion.

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