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LINK Jordan Peterson’s Bullshit

FTA: Peterson does not speak for what is “normal.” His jargon of authenticity — that he is just a simple academic fighting for truth amid so much political correctness and censorship — masks his authoritarian ideas. He calls Marxism a “murderous ideology,” but his paranoid and conspiratorial politics are hard to distinguish from the alt-right’s denunciations of cultural Marxism. Indeed, the line between Peterson’s authoritarianism and Richard Spencer’s paleo-Nazism is a blurry one. In their appeal to middle-class liberals, the reactionary’s best alibi has always been militant anti-communism.

zblaze 7 June 20

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I agree here. I think he may be a but if an Atheist’s sacred cow like Sam Harris so I expect you will get quite a few impassioned responses!

As the adage goes ‘take the message and leave the messenger’. Not everything they say is right, nor is it wrong. Discernment is required with all these people.


Jordan Peterson only sounds smart to dumb people. He's Deepak Chopra for alt-right incels.

@Renickulous he's not. He's Deepak Chopra.

@Renickulous he cherry picks data. He ignores science when it goes against his ideology. He's a climate science denier. His extrapolations from dominance hierarchies in lobsters to human society are laughable. He thinks he shouldn't have to go before ethics committees for his research because he's special and everyone in academia is out to get him. His online expositions are so packed with straw man fallacies it's a wonder they don't spontaneously combust. He can't get published in journals because he gets shot down in flames on review, so he publishes self help books where the editor doesn't care about accuracy, only how many copies it'll sell. When it comes down to it, he's just a slightly over qualified self help guru who's target market is disenchanted white males who are looking for a less scary target than the wealthy elite who are really fucking them over.
That's why I dislike Jordan Peterson. But he's not really worth much effort, 'cause let's face it, he's had his 15 minutes and is already fading back into obscurity. Hence, I usually just lob in a fairly standard dismissal to wind up his fanboys.

1- he said in an interview with an Australian newspaper that he distrusted the science behind anthropogenic climate change because it was 'to political'. In other words, he doubts the evidence because it disagrees with his politics.
2- why focus on lobsters instead of highly social arthropods - bees, ants, termites etc? Classic cherry picking.
3- no, it wasn't. It was about Jordan Peterson getting his own way and change the rules so he could win, and if he didn't, he was going to take his bat and ball and run home mum.
4- he constantly overemphasises hierarchy and competition over cooperation and mutualism. Which is fucking daft, especially when you look at early human evolution and consider how long a lone human would last on the Serengeti.
5- feminism, academia and liberal/enlightenment political movements. I find it especially despicable that he justifies entrenched disadvantage through victim blaming.


I admired the guy initially but the more I read the more I think he is a bit too right wing for me.

I think Dr. P’s unconscious fears are right-flavored (whereas my unconscious fears are left-flavored) and the Left identifiers are smelling this and assuming he’s carrying right-wing ideology (because most people who smell that way do) while JP’s actual intellectual stance is remarkably well balanced (for a stinking righty!) (JK)

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