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Do You Follow The Movie Box Office Totals?

I have always followed this as I am a huge movie buff.

What do you think The top grossing movie of all Time is?

Take a guess? Here is a link to check your answer!


twshield 8 Mar 13

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@twshield Yeah, I know it changes every couple of years.


Not really. Haven't been to a theatre in over 3 years-ended up with pneumonia.


I used to subscribe to Entertainment Weekly magazine and they had a weekly box office tally. I used to enjoy looking at that, but I've never really tracked it. I did peek at the link you provided and it's definitely worth noting that Avatar (I'm a fan of both SW and Avatar) was released in 2009 and is still holding the #2 spot. If I'm not mistaken, Titannic held the #1 spot (also a James Cameron film) for a long time before it got bumped (and still holds #3!). Also worth noting are that James Cameron and George Lucas are huge movers and shakers in the movie industry. Lucas is largely responsible for theaters converting to digital format over film reels. Cameron pioneered a lot of the cutting edge digital content and, I think, the intentional filming of movies for the purpose of showing them in 3D (I know 3D has been around since the 50s).


While I don't really pay that much attention to box office totals, I was really glad to see that Black Panther is doing as well as it is. I like the idea that many of the old "traditions" and stereotypes (ethni-centric movies don't do well) are being turned on their heads.
I don't like James Cameron films. I hated "Avatar" and "Titanic". Yes, I mean really hated them both. Sure, they were visually stunning, but that's as far as it went for me. I don't like him as a filmmaker. I can't think of a single one of his movies that I have ever liked.
I rarely go to the theater anymore. I can't justify the expense, and I have little interest in many of the movies that are currently being made. However, I finally watched "Logan" over the weekend and really liked it.

@KKGator, Don't beat around the bush. Tell us how you REALLY feel about Cameron's films. LOL! =] I didn't really care for the Eco-Geek premise of Avatar, but loved just about everything else about it. Titanic was "meh." I can't get enough of the Marvel films, but am usually content to wait for them to be released on cable vs paying to see them in the theater.

@Shelton I watched it on HBONow. For $27 a month, I'm getting HBO and Hulu.
Beats going out of the house.


Damn!! I just heard this a month or so ago on the radio! I can't remember, but I think I was surprised. I want to say it was a Disney film....but I'm not sure. I'm going to say Frozen. Probably not right.

Not even close!!! But Disney did do the film.


I have heard that Black Panther has already earned a billion dollars. If true, that's incredible!

I enjoyed it. Might have to go again. 🙂

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