If the whole world would join in on this, my bet is they could bring the US economy to a screeching halt, and the bitches in Washington would be left holding a bag full of shit, and who knows . . . might even lead to a rebellion here . . . something they are always trying to do in other countries!
So, possible reason tRump backed off an attack - Putin said No.
Maybe Trump can whisper into Putin's ear while they are in bed together
Cool. Russia is going to be even better friends with Iran. Whoda thunk it?
@SeaGreenEyez I'm pretty happy, actually. I bought plutonium futures when Trump got elected, and if we can get them to launch the nukes I'll make a freaking fortune!
But yeah, of course Russia will help them out while we're busy being dicks and thumping our chest. Its an opening they'll exploit to thier advantage. Unfortunatly for us you're average evil dictator is about twice as smart as Trump is.
@SeaGreenEyez I wish he were only as dumb as dubya. At least he had a few competent but throughly evil advisors on staff, as opposed to just evil. Hell, Trumps getting forgien policy advise from Fox "news" hosts. If I didn't smoke and drink before this administration I'd have started too last year.
Do we need sanctions on Iran? People complain about the money we gave them but forget that we were giving back their money that we had confiscated. Recently we had a confrontation in the Gulf of Hormuz involving 2 Japanese ships and the US was quick to blame Iran, and it was Iran that rescued some of the sailors. The ships owners did not even agree with Iran being the attackers and it might have been more likely to have been an attack by Godzilla for all we know.
Now Iran shoots down our drone and claims we were in their air space. The US denies it. Oil seems to be what this is all about and the US is an oil company with an army. Gas prices were supposed to go up at the pump but in my area they are going down. Putin told the US to leave Iran alone. Strange that just this morning I heard we gave Iran a bad cyber virus. Two days ago I heard the same thing about Russia. My question is did we give each of these countries a virus, or did we not give any of them a virus?
Trump always said that what is in the news is NOT what is really going on and I thought he simply wanted everyone to believe only him. I do not believe Trump but at this moment I am not sure just what is going on.