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What type of death do you most fear?

Death by fire or death by drowning are my two biggest fears. Believe it or not being eaten alive is scary but not my #1fear. When I'm dead I want to be eaten. Give back something to the Earth for all I have taken.

paul1967 8 Sep 28

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The one where I don’t exist anymore.


The death of my son.


There are at least two for me which are about equal. Based on how it feels when I accidentally touch my finger on a extremely hot pan or pot, burning to death while still conscious is one. Also, at my age, I fear most the possibility of slow, drawn-out death in severe and constant pain. Living as a quadriplegic and unable to talk, while conscious and mental faculties intact, would be a horrible fate.


Something that takes time, knowing it's coming would be the worst part.


long lingering time of being useless


Overexposure to redundancy


Being the fattest survivor of an airplane crash on a desert island as everyone turns to cannibalism



a long painful one.


Personally I would prefer death by snu snu. Lol but #1 fear fire or impaled / bleeding out.


I fear no death it is a path we must all take it's the one thing that is guaranteed

You say that, but there must be a path to death that would be less desirable than another. For example, dying after making love is better than being devoured by an army of Australian's jack jumper ants. Or tied upside down on a tree while a wild boar eats your face away. There are many ways that should cause you to fear death and the ones I just listed are insignificant compared to some other terrifying scenarios out there, from people with a far more warped mind than my own.


car or plane accident

ms269 Level 2 Nov 28, 2017

any death your aware is happening that takes a long time. I'm really not good with heights or open spaces and believe some things are worse than death.


Long and hurtful one.

Uskok Level 1 Nov 26, 2017

I don't fear a natural death, I look forward to it because I have never done it before and it is a once in a lifetime experience but saying that, I am in no hurry for it to arrive, I still have plenty of living still to do.
The type of death that I fear is a death caused by some knob head who cares about nobody but themselves, a drunk driver, an armed criminal, accidental death whilst at work (my elder brother died this way in 1978 when he was crushed by a train).
Death is inevitable and after a long life, it will be welcome.

Oh gosh, Meister , that's terrible about your brother!!! I'm so sorry!


I don't fear it, as I know it's inevitable. All I really ask is that I go with dignity. People hate death because it is an ugly truth whereas life is a beautiful lie, people's fear is caused by what they think will come afterwards and that they aren't ready to leave yet. I'm always ready and I don't mind what, if anything, come after.


I love food, so I would definitely not want to starve to death.


Why fear death? It will come and it will hurt your body is stopping all function but your brain lives on for seven min after death on the most powerful psycadelic drug dmt the drug of the soul naturally experienced only at birth and death for seven min each time....think about that you die here no longer matters


Ooh, good question! Drowning is certainly scary — panic sets in pretty fast when you can't get oxygen — but it's a relatively quick death. Fire seems like it would hurt a lot, but I've heard that most people in a fire die from smoke inhalation long before the flames reach them (though being burned at the stake would be a different matter). I think cancer would top my list, because you don't pass out from the pain, it's long and drawn out, and you have to think about it day after day while enduring exhaustion and increasing pain, and eventually organ failure. And you watch those around you, with pitying eyes, experience your decline, grieving for you before you've even died, doing everything for you as you get sicker, weaker, and more delirious, even resenting you for putting them through the ordeal. That's what scares me. If I ever have an incurable wasting disease, I'll end my own life long before I become too sick and a serious burden on my loved ones.

I agree, Resserts I'd end my life before putting my family through hell.

Oh, I don't know....I have terminal cancer, and it's not too bad--yet. The medications I'm on do a pretty good job of controlling symptoms. I am still able to function normally, and people who find out I have cancer are always surprised, because I don't look like it--yet, lol.

When it gets to the point where nothing works anymore, the doctor has already said painkillers will be available to keep me comfortable. And my daughter is a hospice nurse, so that works out pretty well. We have it all worked out to cause the least burden for everyone.

btw, when I was diagnosed, they gave me 2-3 years to live....that was in July 2014, so it's been 3 1/2 years already. I'm shooting for 2020; I'll see how close I get.

An added benefit to this long death is that my loved ones and I can prepare emotionally and financially, and say everything we want to say to each other. I'm glad I can give them this closure.


Maybe I'm weird but I think drowning sounds kind of peaceful. I mean it would have to be a big body of water and I'm sure there would be a moment of panic. Anyway, I agree with everyone....slow and painful. I also fear dying of Alzheimer's. In runs in my family on both sides. It's not the death I fear but being a burden on my family.

Mindi Level 3 Oct 27, 2017

Drowning could take several minutes though. My mom and grandma had Alzheimers, and whenever I forget something, I start to worry.

I think the body's panic reaction would probably make drowning extremely painful. Stroke would be painless and quick. If self inflicted insulin OD might be an easy way out.


dying alone and forgotten


To choke.


A long, painful, torturous death that involves mutilation, burning, suffocation, etc. Other than that, I don't fear death- I only fear it will be slow and painful. Also, a terminal disease would be on the list.


A long a painful death.


Slow painful would much rather just pass.


It depends. If I'm burning alive, I'd rather be frozen. If I'm freezing to death, I'd rather be burned.

Mostly, I fear a death without a fight, even if it meant pain. If I died in my sleep, that would suck.

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