Tomorrow is Pi Day, (3.14) are any of you planning on celebrating?
If I maintain my energy levels, I might bake a pi e.
At the stroke of midnight, MDT, I shall begin calculating pi by hand and see how many digits I can get by midnight tomorrow. I don't think I can handle any more excitement than that.
Making a steak pie for dinner (I’m Australian... it’s a thing).
I also hope to memorize another few digits of π. I memorize a few more digits every couple of years, and try to keep up with a digit for each year of my age. I figure that by the time I turn 100 I will really impress people!
I have been informed that tomorrow is actually steak and blow job day. []
Be sure and listen to this!
Also Einstein's birthday, so a great day for atheists/agnostics to celebrate!
Yay! I will celebrate. I'll wear my "I ate some pi and it was delicious" shirt. All in math symbols.
I'm going to buy my work a pie from a restaurant today. Nearby me. Apple pie.
It’s my workaversy too. I’m bringing cheesecake, but only because the only pie I like is pumpkin. Pumpkin isn’t good for springtime
Pumpkin is good ANY time!
How does one celebrate Pi day? Besides eating pie.
You could donate 3.14% of your income to the charity of your choice.