don't you mean Obama camps? he's the one that had the cages built.
During the previous administration the only immigrants with a criminal record and a child with them were detained. But Trump complained of the Catch and Release immigration policy. Under Trump's Zero Tolerance Policy everyone entering without papers is considered a criminal and detained.
I don’t understand. Should we not be funding these things? What is the alternative? Let the immigrants free? Send them back? This is an honest question.
Let's consider the source: World Socialist Web Site.
This is spin to divide the Left. What the House did was devote $4.6 billion to alleviate the over crowding and provide food, medicine and supplies.
Sure, what they need to do is close the darned "concentration camps". But let's get real. You know who controls the Senate - and the presidency. And they won't agree to close them. This was the best deal that could get done until we take back the Senate.