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LINK Tanks arrive in D.C. for Trump's Fourth of July celebration

Trump has wanted a third world dictator military type of parade ever sihnc3 he was elected.

snytiger6 9 July 2

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They should tell him that they're unveiling our new stealth tanks at his shit show.

JimG Level 8 July 2, 2019

Won't those tanks ruin the roads/streets?

Of course, that's what tanks do best. Nothing that (your) money can't fix.

Yes. That is the excuse our military leaders gave him to put it off as logn as they could...


45 for 2020


Just like his dictator buddies and Hitler

bobwjr Level 10 July 2, 2019

Every day I wonder how much further this country can go downhill - and then I find out

Yup. Like those folks who hit rock bottom...then keep on digging. 🙄

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