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LINK President Donald Trump Imposes 30% Tariffs on Solar Panels | Time

Because clean energy might hurt oil and coal profits for his criminal friends

In the biggest blow he’s dealt to the renewable energy industry yet, President Donald Trump decided on Monday to slap tariffs on imported solar panels.

The U.S. will impose duties of as much as 30 percent on solar equipment made abroad, a move that threatens to handicap a $28 billion industry that relies on parts made abroad for 80 percent of its supply. Just the mere threat of tariffs has shaken solar developers in recent months, with some hoarding panels and others stalling projects in anticipation of higher costs. The Solar Energy Industries Association has projected tens of thousands of job losses in a sector that employed 260,000.

The tariffs are just the latest action Trump has taken that undermine the economics of renewable energy. The administration has already decided to pull the U.S. out of the international Paris climate agreement, rolled back Obama-era regulations on power plant-emissions and passed sweeping tax reforms that constrained financing for solar and wind. The import taxes, however, will prove to be the most targeted strike on the industry yet.

jerry99 8 July 4

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While the solar sector has grown more comprehensible in recent years, many people still find it difficult to get their heads around solar power. The majority of curious citizens want to do their part, lessen their environmental impact, and provide their neighbors with clean energy. Learn more about the finest solar panels for houses and how to incorporate them into your home's aesthetic in this comprehensive guide.
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It's unfortunate that these tariffs threaten the renewable energy industry. Solar energy has shown tremendous potential for a sustainable future, and the government needs to support this emerging industry. It's also concerning to see policies being made based on the interests of a few individuals rather than the greater good. Let's hope that more positive actions are taken to support the growth of renewable energy and we can work towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. More info on solar panels at off grid living for beginners


Again, everything is a money question


Even with a 30% tax for solar panels, it's one of the cheapest ways to get electricity. So I don't see this as a major problem for me. For new ones that want to install solar panels, I would recommend reading an article about " are solar panels worth it in texas." Solar panels are the most efficient way to produce electricity, with few costs. If you install and use them properly, they can pay for themselves within a decade. They're so simple to assemble that anyone who has built a deck or a treehouse can do it.


I can't f-ing take it anymore


Leave it to trump to fuck the Country every which way he can.


Trump is such a Luddite truign to hold back clean and renewable energy...


30% is way too low to eliminate the defective Chicom solar panels from the market. Due to very low quality of surface protection and optical hardening the Chinese panels loose 25 to 40 percent of efficiency after one year. Consequently designers must oversize the installation. If one is concerned about environmental effects - I'm not - these solar panels represent a significantly negative overall environmental effect, pollution and poisoning.

zesty Level 7 July 4, 2019

A drop of 2 percent in efficiency (not 25-40%) means we should go back to coal and oil. []
Good thinking.

@jerry99 I designed software for solar farms' energy harvesting systems. What are you talking about?

@zesty Funny how you're such an expert but you never can provide a source. I included one above -- it's not that difficult for a genius like you.


Yup him and Republican party in the pay of big oil and coal won't be happy until environment is destroyed for the rich

bobwjr Level 10 July 4, 2019

I can't stand it. Selfish, greedy Republican bastards.

Vote Republicans out of office!

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